Daily Trust Saturday

I won’t return to APC – Obaseki

What I told security agencies – Buhari

- Muideen Olaniyi

Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State has said he would not consider any plan to return to the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) after his re-election on September 19.

Obaseki, who spoke yesterday at the Presidenti­al Villa, Abuja, after meeting President Buhari Muhammadu, said such move would not portray him as a man of integrity.

The governor explained that his decision not to rejoin the APC was in tune with the pledge of President Buhari to leave a democracy built on integrity, accountabi­lity and hard work.

Obaseki, while reacting to a question on whether he would consider returning to the APC, said: “The answer to your question, gleaning from the comments of Mr. President, he said he wants to leave a democracy that is built on integrity, accountabi­lity and hard work.

“Those were his words and I subscribe totally to that. It will not show integrity, it will not demonstrat­e somebody that has ethical or moral foundation to do what you asked about. I couldn’t have contested on a party, won on that party and then consider moving to another party. It is not the kind of thing to do, it’s not the right thing to do and I am sure you will not encourage me to do that.”

Obaseki, while speaking on the motive behind the visit to the president together with his deputy, Philip Shaibu and other representa­tives of Edo people, said: “We were privileged to meet with the president, essentiall­y to express the gratitude of Edo People, myself and my deputy for the conduct of the gubernator­ial election in Edo State.”

“He said Nigeria should have proper elections, credible elections, free and fair elections and that is what happened.”

Obaseki, who prayed against being a “godfather,” said “it’s dangerous to the concept of democracy.”

He stressed that it would be worse than military rule when people who had no checks and balances “arbitraril­y decide the way the constituti­on should be interprete­d or constituti­onal players should operate.”

Addressing the delegation from Edo State, President Buhari said his single desire was to make sure that innocent Nigerians don’t suffer regardless of party affiliatio­n.

He said: “I thank you for bringing your deputy and supporters to come and see me after beating my party. I am supposed to preside over all Nigerian interests whether I like it or not, but my single desire is to make sure that innocent people don’t suffer. That message I got across to the Inspector General of Police, that elections must be free and fair.”

According to the President, “If contestant­s have too much money and they decide to spray, so be it. But what I insist is, nobody should go and raise a counter force to the government, arm heavily-drugged thugs to go and humiliate people.”

“I want Nigerians to appreciate that I respect them as Nigerians and that I am bound by the oath I have taken that their security is in the hands of God and in the hands of the government, which I am leading.”

President Buhari noted that as the leader of the governing party, and despite the fact that the party had lost some states in elections, he wished to leave behind a political culture based on integrity.

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