Daily Trust Saturday



Long time ago cricket could y. He ew faster than butterfly. He ew higher than birds. The cricket had own all over the world. First, he ew to the north, next to the west and then to the south. He had never own east.

The ant tried to warn him never to y east because; it is very cold down east. “Too cold for an ant and too cold for a cricket,” the ant said. The cricket, however, did not listen, because crickets do whatever they want. That very night, he set off. Cricket was such a fantastic ier so, it did not take him long to arrive the east. The cricket landed next to a palm tree as the sun began setting.

There was dew everywhere he looked. There was dew on the trees, on the leaves and on the ground. The ant walked slowly and said, “Hello cricket, tidy up, nighttime is coming.” The cricket did not listen, because crickets do whatever they want. He ew to the top of a coconut tree to for a good sleep.

The lizard came crawling over to the top of the same coconut tree. “You should nd some shelter from the cold night,” said the lizard. The cricket did not listen, because crickets do whatever they want. The cricket slept all through the night until morning.

When he woke up, he was ready to go home and tell the ant about his trip. He hopped high in the air to start ying, but he couldn t. Instead he fell right back into the tree. He tried again, even higher this time, but his wings would not work. They had frozen solid during the cold night.

He tried to warm them up by rubbing them together but it was no use. The cricket had to hop all the way home. It took him days to return. Even though the cricket s wings were no longer frozen, he still could not y. Since then, the cricket stays on the ground like his friend ant, and hops from place to place.

At nighttime, you can hear him chirping, from rubbing his wings together to keep warm. Much more than that, the cricket is telling you how warm or cold it is by chirping. He chirps faster when it is warm and slower when it is cold. Whenever you hear the cricket chirp, remember not to make the same mistake he made.

Moral: Do not do whatever you want like the cricket. Learn to also listen and obey good advice.

Let 's chat and answer some questions about the story.

• Why do you think the cricket didn't listen?

• What does the cricket tells you when it chirps?

• Why should we learn to listen?

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