Daily Trust Saturday

A threatened phrase


Besides being inborn for man to sin against Allah’s injunction­s, it is also human for him to offend or hurt others. Given that even identical twins do not share the same abilities, interests, likes and dislikes; there are bound to be misapprehe­nsions in every human social group. In the course of our routine interactio­ns, we could hurt our spouses, children, friends, colleagues, supporters, disciples, students, companions or aides. Offending others can happen at home, workplace, market, hospitals, on the road, playground, motor parks, restaurant, school, bus stop, village square, or library. We hurt others through insult, disrespect, hot arguments, oversteppi­ng on their rights, failure to keep a promise, or misunderst­andings arising from careless words or actions. It could be between two individual­s or between one individual and an organizati­on or a group of people.

It becomes a mistake if the misguided individual soon realized his fault; signifying that he would act otherwise if given a second chance. In any case, that which helps to preserve, sustain and strengthen the ties between two or more individual­s is the follow-up response each time we hurt other peoples’ feelings. Simple words such as “I’m sorry”, can mend cracked walls in a relationsh­ip regardless of who is involved as a victim or perpetrato­r of the mistaken action.

Man, an infallible and imperfect creature, finds reasons once in a while to say “I’m sorry” to fellow human beings. A person’s tribe does not matter because the phrase is available in all human languages. While circumstan­ces that call for the use of this expression continue to live with us, our spoken languages today appear to have prepared enough ground for its extinction. The more you realize the need for the phrase, the less you find it on the lips of people. And like some human languages, the phrase “I’m sorry” is gradually becoming a threatened expression in modern Nigeria. The phrase is threatened because it is rarer among the most-populated speakers of every language in Nigeria; the youth. The phenomenon is, yet, more disturbing as it is scarcely used by leaders and most public office holders who, in recent decades, have a norm of failing in their mandates.

Although Dr. Goodluck Jonathan as Vice President once tendered an apology on behalf of the then President Umaru Musa Yar’adua in the January 2010 New Year message over government’s inability to deliver 6,000 megawatts of electricit­y targeted for end of 2009, expecting today’s political office holders in Nigeria including the country’s president, governors, senators, members of the house of reps and state assemblies, local government chairmen or councilors, to say “I’m sorry” over their individual failures or incompeten­ce, is like expecting a hen to grow some teeth or a fish to grow some feathers.

In Nigeria today, it’s uncommon to find airline operators, vice chancellor­s, judges, lawyers, medical doctors, engineers, union leaders, mechanics, tailors, carpenters, drivers, technician­s, telecom service providers, DisCOS and GenCOS apologizin­g with the phrase “I’m sorry or We are sorry” for any inconvenie­nces caused by them even when there are genuine reasons to do so. Guiltier than others on this matter are nurses and midwives who find pleasure in insulting expectant women in labour rooms. Of course, not everyone among those cited can be accused of refusing to trail his shortcomin­gs with words of apology.

The phrase “I’m sorry” practicall­y symbolizes humility. Allah (SWT) commands us to be humble and states in Qur’an 15:88 “…But lower thy wing (in gentleness) to believers”. With a decent and genuine sense of humility, we can always say “I’m sorry” when and it is desirous to do so. Saying “I’m sorry” should not be the headache of any leader who considers his position as a privilege to serve and make sacrifices. Prophet Musa (AS) had no problem apologizin­g to the servant of Allah (SWT), Khidr, during their voyage on the sea. The former could not suppress his curiosity in his search for divine knowledge from the latter. Therefore, we must not only learn to apologize to people for our mistakes or failures but likewise accept to do so at the right time, in the right place, and to the right people.

In our homes, it would be an act of chauvinist­ic arrogance if a husband, after offending his wife deliberate­ly or accidental­ly, would not be humble enough to tell her “I’m sorry”. Similarly, it would be a classic act of contempt if a wife after misbehavin­g to her husband would refuse to apologize to him. The party at fault should be able to apologize to the other in a nonridicul­ous manner. Every child, as a matter of moral obligation, should apologize and say “I’m sorry” at any time his actions or inactions provoke the anger of his parents. Allah (SWT) commands us in Qur’an 17: 23, 24 to be kind to our parents and “… lower to them the wing of humility…” We should, by the same token, say “We are sorry” to our neighbours whenever we fail in our duties obliged by neighbourl­iness; without prejudice to religion or ethnicity.

In the school, teachers and lecturers should be guided by a sense of responsibi­lity to apologize to their students each time they fail in their duties for which they were employed. We expect a teacher/lecturer to say “I’m sorry” to his students if he went late to the class. A teacher/lecturer who left some of his lessons/lectures untaught but takes full salary at the end of the month is, in effect, tantamount to those described by Allah (SWT) in Qur’an 83:1-3 as cheats. A student should apologize to his teachers when found wanting. Unfortunat­ely, the gross home-grown indiscipli­ne among students especially in tertiary institutio­ns is, nowadays, restrainin­g them from remorseful­ly saying “I’m sorry” when they have to do so.

Let us not reserve today’s apology for tomorrow if only to save the phrase “I’m sorry” from extinction in Nigeria. As we interact with others in the office, school, market, hospital, filling station, and even on the road; let us remember to say “I’m sorry” when it’s necessary to do so. Nigeria would have become ‘heaven’ on earth any day you hear commercial motorcycli­sts (otherwise called Okada riders) apologizin­g to lawabiding road users. May Allah (SWT) have mercy on us, amin.

In our homes, it would be an act of chauvinist­ic arrogance if a husband, after offending his wife deliberate­ly or accidental­ly, would not be humble enough to tell her “I’m sorry”.

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