Daily Trust Sunday

He is risen!


The resurrecti­on of the Lord Jesus was not an accidental occurrence. It was planned by God. It was predicted in many scriptures in the Old and New Testaments. Jesus himself predicted it and the angel reminded those who came looking for him in the grave of it. Matthew 28:6 “6He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.”

The resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ from the dead is the crowning proof of Christiani­ty. Everything else that was said or done by Christ and the Apostles is secondary in importance to the resurrecti­on. If the resurrecti­on did not take place then Christiani­ty is a false religion. He died and rose again that you and I may not rot in hell.

Matthew 28:6 “6He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.” (Read Matthew 28:1-10, Matthew 12:3840, Luke 9:22, John 2:18-22)

The High priest and all those who conspired to kill Jesus thought they had succeeded in getting rid of Him. They thought it was over. They did not know they were fulfilling the plan of God. They did not know He was coming back in a big way. They did not know He was coming back better. But the shocking thing is that the disciples forgot (or they did not believe) he said he would rise the third day.

Luke 24:1 tells us how the women brought spices to try and preserve him in the tomb. Well, they found it empty! People always try to preserve you where they left you.

The angel asked them why they were looking for the living among the dead. Anyone looking for you among the poor is making a mistake. Your predicamen­t is about to be history!

When you are not where they expect you to be, you are where you ought to be. • They expect you to be dead but you’re alive • They expect you to remain small but you are growing bigger. • They expect you to remain sick but you are healed. • They expect you to beg but you are giving out stuff. • They expect you to remain barren but you are giving birth to twins. • They expect you to remain jobless but you are choosing between five jobs. • They expect you to remain single but you are getting married next month. • They expect you to remain poor but you are growing richer.

5 Important Lessons To Remember

1. There is nothing in man’s plan that can stop or change God’s plan for your life. The jealousy and envy of the religious leaders could not stop Him from fulfilling His mission on earth. The stone could not prevent the Rock of Ages from rising. No witch or wizard can stop you. No wicked person can stop your promotion. No household conspiracy is strong enough to turn back the hand of God from lifting and blessing you. God will disappoint your enemies. He will bless you right before their eyes.

2. If you don’t believe in yourself you will remain where you are. Jesus believed He would rise again. He was so conscious of the temporarin­ess of His stay in the grave, He only borrowed one to use. They were shouting come down and we’ll believe you. It does not matter what people think about you, it is what you think about yourself that counts. World heavyweigh­t champion George Foreman said the first trainer he contacted refused to accept him because he thought that he George was not good enough and that he could never make it in boxing. He left him and looked for another coach. Not long after that, George won the Olympic gold medal. He defeated many legendary heavyweigh­t boxers including Mohammed Ali to win the heavyweigh­t title. “There is a champion in you.” You may not look like it, you may not smell like it, but you are a champion.

3. God is a covenant-keeping God. He promised to raise the Son and He did! All other promises will be fulfilled. He will come again. Expect the promises of God in your life to be fulfilled in Jesus name. Your neighbour’s testimony is a sign to you that your miracle is on the way. It is safe to surrender your destiny to God. He surrendere­d His destiny to God and He was not disappoint­ed. Don’t be afraid to surrender your life and destiny to Him, he will not disappoint you. Trust Him and He will lift you up.

4. With God you can survive anything. In the hands of God even the worst trouble leads to your improvemen­t. It may be too far for you, too deep for you but not for Him. Too late for you but not for Him. Too much for you but not for Him. Too costly for you but not for Him. Too hopeless for you but not for Him. Daniel survived the lion’s den; Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego survived the fiery furnace; Joseph survived the cruel treatment of his brother, he survived slavery and prison to become the Prime Minister of Egypt. Your present problem is nothing. Tell your neighbour “I’m coming out of lack, I’m coming out of this!!!” God loves to turn crucifixio­ns into resurrecti­ons so you can see his greatness. God will turn your crucifixio­ns into resurrecti­ons. He died limited, He rose unlimited. He died a bleeding lamb, He arose a reigning King. When He arose, hell’s hope was dashed and terminated. I see you coming out of that trouble, grave and valley. I see you coming out of bondage, poverty, etc. God will dash the hopes of your enemies! The tomb became a witness. The cross became an instrument of glory. God will take what was intended to embarrass you and use it to elevate you!

5. He rose to prove that Christ is the only One that can save mankind. He alone had defeated death and has the answer to the sin question. Salvation is now freely available to all those who believe. He was scarred that you might become a star. Isaiah 53:4-5 “4Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5But he was wounded for our transgress­ions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastiseme­nt of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Acts 4:12 “12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Nothing else matters if you are not saved. HAPPY EASTER!!

Rev (Dr) Olowojoba is Snr. Pastor of Dayspring Bible Church, Sabon-Lugbe, Abuja & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. e.mail: dayspringc­m2000@yahoo.com

 ??  ?? Charles Olowojoba
Charles Olowojoba

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