Daily Trust Sunday

Should parents and their kids be friends on Facebook?

- By Eseohe Ebhota ebhota@dailytrust. com 0809681301­7 (SMS only)

The social media cuts across all boundaries and brings people together irrespecti­ve of their age, ethnicity, religion, and social standing. For example, it is not uncommon to see a top government or public office holder being friends with a child of 17 years on facebook or someone in South Africa linking up with someone in Nigeria. All this is possible through the social media.

This connection however has gone beyond just hooking up with old friends and making new ones. In this age of digital connection, it can be seen that even those who are referred to as being “old school” (parents) do not want to be left out in the new means of “connecting” with old acquaintan­ces, therefore, they “open accounts” for themselves with the aid of experience­d people. This brings us to the question, “should parents and kids be friends on facebook”?

Speaking to New Media. Hadi Ahmad Fagge said, “I will accept and feel free to interact because if you want wisdom, talk to your parents”. In agreement with Hadi, Emmanuel Chinonso opined that he will confirm it. He said, “I will confirm it because sometimes when they travel, the social network becomes an easier, faster and interestin­g way to communicat­e”.

Abdulhamid Marshall also agreed that he would readily accept their request “because I don’t do anything indecent on Facebook”.

However Abbas Hamisu does not share the same view with the others because he feels he won’t have his freedom any more. “I was in this same situation. Initially, I was reluctant to accept his request, but I changed my mind and accepted the request in order to remove any wrong impression of me on his part. My freedom though, is now truncated.”

Usman Muhammad Yahaya said he has nothing to hide because he knows himself. “I will accept their request, because I know myself. I am not putting up any bad pictures or bad comments in my profile. Esther Ebere said she has her mum on her friend’s list and she doesn’t do messy things on facebook but she has blocked all her friends from writing on her wall to avoid any questionab­le write up. “I love her, so I can sacrifice even my facebook account to make her happy”.

According to Modibbo Abubakar, “I will accept it, because I don’t patronize pages which they hate. I don’t comment, post or make friends anyhow. So there’s no problem in them knowing about all I do”.

Based on the reactions of those that spoke, New Media gathered that “hooking up” with one’s parents on social networks, Facebook in particular isn’t such a big deal as long as one doesn’t have anything fishy to hide. An individual just has to be careful about what he or she uploads or posts on his or her timeline.

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