Daily Trust Sunday

Unveiling ‘The Great Mohemmadan’


Ever since Barack Obama was elected President of the United States in 2008, a lot of minority groups, and some majority groups (like the women) felt that anything is possible and anyone from any background can aspire to the highest office of that country.

Being the cynosure of all nations, the US has remained the subject of intense speculatio­ns from people all over the world. This time, its future is being speculated upon by a Nigerian, Dauda Ibrahim Tsoho who is predicting that America will have a Muslim president in the near future.

Tsoho is audacious in his assertions and loud in his proclamati­on. He writes a 399-page, 40-chapter book to announce the coming of the American Muslim President. Whether this prophecy comes to pass is a matter of time, what is relevant here, is the reasons for Tsoho’s claims, which is amply detailed in his book.

Tsoho has the American Muslim president pegged down to the last details. He outlines his genealogy, tells the readers that among other things, the man would be a genius fluent in English, Arabic, French, Hausa and Hebrew and he would be a famous footballer who would help the US win two World Cups. Tsoho even gives us the name of this man.

What is the premise for these claims? Well, principall­y Tsoho had a dream in which vivid details of this man’s life were revealed to him. This inspired him to write this book. Tsoho draws heavily from The Prophesies of Nostradamu­s and believes his American Muslim President is the same person as the one Nostradamu­s dubbed “The Great Mohammedan” 400 years ago. He also amply quotes the Qur’an and some splatterin­g of the Bible to buttress some of his claims.

Tsoho even has the president’s inaugural address, from which he quotes on page 397 and outlines how the man would administer not only the US but the entire world.

“With Almighty Allah on his side, America’s Muslim president shall put an end to terrorism, create lasting peace between Isrealis and Palestinia­ns, cleanse the world of HIV and AIDS, create financial freedom for every man and woman on earth.” (emphasis mine).

The government this president will lead will heal the world of its problems and entrench Shari’ah law in the US among other things.

But the book is elaborate, perhaps overelabor­ate, detailing other issues such as the history of the coming of the first white men to an African village, what the devil may or may not look like, (the conclusion here is that he may be more Caucasian than black) and why the US dollar is the strongest currency in the world.

While these, and many others, are understand­ably aimed at giving context, most of them turn out to be an irrelevant distractio­n and worse, their premises are faulty, or even baseless. That shaytan is said to be made from fire, as stated in the Glorious Qur’an which the author quotes on page 266, does not in any way suggest his ultimate complexion in the final analysis but the author draws from that inference that the devil is most likely Caucasian. One wonders why this is even relevant? Should man or even the devil be judged on his skin colour or the content of his character?

Likewise the author’s claim in Chapter 30 that the dollar enjoys some spiritual entitlemen­t because it is the only currency that boldly affirms “In God We Trust”? This raises the question of if mere proclamati­on of faith, as opposed to the many “iniquities of the Americans”, enough reason for God to favour the dollar as opposed to the Saudi Riyal, which is issued by a government that wholeheart­edly practices shari’ah. Does this mean that if cassocked men proclaim faith and go on to abuse children they will enjoy exaltation because their garbs proclaim faith? The reasoning is questionab­le, moreso since in the very next page, the author attacks the US for its usury practices, something that is loathed by the same God that is supposed to have exalted the dollar. Not to mention the ever constant refrain in the Glorious Qur’an that Allah will favour, exalt and reward those who “have faith and do good deeds.”

It is not unlikely that America will someday have a Muslim president (who imagined just 20 years ago that an African-American would today occupy the White House) and considerin­g the rapid growth of Islam in the US.

If the author had stayed with this thread , which he only touched briefly, focusing on the rapid growth Islam is enjoying not only in the US but globally and the possibilit­ies Obama’s election has ushered for all classes of people and the impermanen­ce of situations, drawing examples as he did of Islam’s pariah status in Mecca in the early days of Prophet Muhammad’s preaching and the persecutio­n of the first Muslims, perhaps it would have been an even more convincing tour de force. Especially if the author had been fully focused on the relevant issues.

Neverthele­ss, the author has started an interestin­g line of discourse, (or reinforced it for those who insist Obama is a Muslim) and those who enjoy mysticism, speculativ­e politickin­g and conspiracy theorists will find this book to be of considerab­le interest.

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