Daily Trust Sunday

God is my guiding principle


Matilda Eriwo Duncan is a talented publicist, radio presenter and entertaine­r. She is passionate about her career and skills, and carries her audience along through her voice. She is a presenter in Rhythm 94.7 FM, Abuja. Matilda, popularly known as Tilly, is also a perfect Master of Ceremony. She has won many awards, including the Woman of Excellence Award (MOWEA), Silver Bird’s Best Staff of the Year, Radio Presenter of the Year, among others. She hopes to use her talent and skills to achieve her vision. She spoke with Tambari on the passion she has for her career and how she derives pleasure in making people happy. What is your beauty secret? What do you think attract people to you? Maybe my smile. And I like to use a lot of perfume to smell nice so that when I walk into a place, people will turn and be happy. That’s just my little tip. You can look crappy but smell nice. Where is your favourite holiday spot? As at last year, it was Atlanta; but this year, it is New York. So I can’t really say that this is the place because I don’t know what it will be next year. This is because I like travelling to places to explore life instead of sleeping at home every day, like the way I do in Abuja. I go somewhere for holidays, shopping, parties and events. I don’t know what’s going to happen next year; it could be Chibok. What is your source of amusement? Wow! My laughter is very loud, annoying, and not lady-like. It is very wrong, but it is very real and embarrassi­ng because I usually open my mouth so wide that you can see my brains through the mouth, especially when I am in the public. I am working on it so as to come out with another lady-like laughter. Looking at what is happening in many marriages today, would you like to be a single mother or get married? Luckily for me, my mother was a single mum, and I always said that what my mum could do, I can do better. But being a single mum, I know I am going to be rocking at it. I have seen a lot of well celebrated marriages crash. I do a lot of wedding plans, so I know much about what is happening in marriages today. Majority of them break up because they married for different purposes. And because I am wiser over the issue, I try to do my things as calm as possible and to put God first to give me my own. It is never how long but how well. Now, I can’t say I am ready for marriage or to be a single mother. But either two, I know I am going to rock it in.

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