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Packaged grocery foods often high in salt - Study


By Kathleen Doheny

More than half of packaged grocery store foods included in a new study contained too much added salt, U.S. health officials reported Thursday.

That’s important because eating too much salt (sodium) is a risk factor for developing high blood pressure, according to the study authors. And high blood pressure can contribute to heart disease and strokes.

“We looked at packaged food sales in grocery stores,” said study researcher Linda Schieb, an epidemiolo­gist in the division of heart disease and stroke prevention at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “What we found was more than 50 percent of those products exceeded the FDA healthy food label guidelines for sodium.”

Under the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion healthy food label guideline, only 480 milligrams (mg) of sodium per serving are allowed for individual foods -- such as cheese, cold cuts and bread -- to use the “healthy” label claim, Schieb said. And, 600 mg is allowed for meals, such as pasta dishes, pizza and sandwiches.

Schieb’s team analyzed product sales from 2009 for U.S. grocery stores from 52 markets in three of nine U.S. census divisions, which represents about half the country’s population. The researcher­s didn’t include warehouse stores or Walmart, according to the study.

The investigat­ors found that more than 70 percent of pizza, pasta mixed dishes or meat mixed dishes (such as meat loaf or pork with BBQ sauce), as well as 50 to 70 percent of cold cuts, soups and sandwiches surpassed the FDA “healthy” labeling for sodium.

But only 10 percent of breads, savory snacks and cheese went over the healthy label guidelines, according to the report.

The researcher­s didn’t find any significan­t difference­s between the markets studied with regard to sodium content in foods.

The study is published in the April issue of the journal Preventing Chronic Disease.

Under the current U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the general population is advised to keep daily salt intake under 2,300 milligrams, or about a teaspoon. For people over 51, AfricanAme­ricans and those with health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the recommende­d daily sodium intake is 1,500 mg or less.

That’s no small feat, since a cup of soup and a turkey sandwich may have about 2,200 mg, according to the CDC.

“The majority of our sodium comes from restaurant food and processed food,” Schieb said. Both sources can be loaded with sodium. “So it’s important to read the labels and choose lower sodium options. Make sure you are also eating fruits and vegetables,” she said.

The findings are no surprise to Connie Diekman, a registered dietitian and director of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis.

“Packaged foods remain high in sodium because of its role in preservati­on, so the fact that the studied products were higher than ’healthy’ was no surprise,” she said. However, things might have improved since Schieb’s team gathered the data in 2009, she said. Food makers have been trying to decrease sodium, she noted.

Both experts agreed that consumers can take steps to reduce salt intake. Reading the labels and comparing salt content between different foods is one way. Some comparison shopping might save you many milligrams of sodium per serving.

Another way to reduce salt levels is to limit your use of packaged foods. Use packaged foods when you need them, such as bread for sandwiches, Diekman said. Then use fresh cooked meat rather than salami, baloney or other processed meats, which are typically high in salt, she said. Healthday: © 2015 HealthDay. All rights reserved. Distribute­d by The New York Times Syndicate.

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