Daily Trust Sunday

Men get osteoporos­is, too

- Distribute­d by The New York Times

Listen, men, this is important, important to your current and future health and perhaps your life. Osteoporos­is is not just a woman’s disease. Men get it too, albeit some years later in life than most women.

Men experience about half as many osteoporot­ic fractures as women. But when a man breaks his hip because of osteoporos­is, he is more likely than a woman similarly afflicted to be permanentl­y disabled and twice as likely to die within a year.

Unfortunat­ely, men are far less likely than women to get the health of their bones checked when they are at significan­t risk of an osteoporot­ic fracture. This is true even if they have such prominent risk factors as a previously broken bone - any bone - from something as “nontraumat­ic” as tripping and falling from a standing height, a so-called fragility fracture.

That’s because doctors, too, are often unaware of the many factors that put men at risk of osteoporos­is, including disorders like celiac disease and chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease and treatments for other health problems, like depression, gastriceso­phageal reflux disease and prostate cancer.

With men now living longer and their life expectancy increasing faster than women’s, many more “men will be living long enough to fracture,” Dr. Robert A. Adler, an endocrinol­ogist at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia, and Virginia Commonweal­th University School of Medicine, has written.

“We need to pay a lot more attention to osteoporos­is in men,” Adler said in an interview. “It’s erroneous to think it’s a lady’s disease. And because many men and their doctors think that, men are less likely than women to be evaluated and treated after a lowtrauma fracture.”

Men remain inadequate­ly tested and treated after low-trauma fractures “even though their risk of a subsequent fracture is markedly increased,” said Dr. Sundeep Khosla, an endocrinol­ogist at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, echoing Adler’s concerns. In fact, Khosla said, there is now evidence that even following a “high-trauma fracture,” as might happen in a car accident, they should have the strength of their bones checked.

“Just because men escape the sudden bone loss women experience at menopause, that doesn’t mean men don’t lose bone as they get older,” he said.

“Aging men lose bone mineral density at a rate of approximat­ely one percent per year, and one in five men over the age of 50 years will suffer an osteoporot­ic fracture during their lifetime,” Khosla wrote in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinol­ogy and Metabolism. “Almost 30 per cent of all hip fractures occur in men.”

His advice: “Every man over 70 should have a bone density test, and if they have other risk factors, depending on which ones, they should be tested soon after 50.”

Here’s what men should know about their risks. Yes, nearly all of you start adult life with stronger bones than women have. But like women, your bones start to gradually weaken in your mid20s. Women lose both the cells and struts, the framework of mineral deposits within spongy bone, that keep bones strong, whereas in men the primary loss is thinning of the struts, which probably explains why osteoporot­ic fractures tend to occur later in life in men.

Common risk factors for osteoporot­ic fracture in men, as well as in women, are age (over 60 for women and over 70 for men); being thin or underweigh­t; current smoking; consuming more than three alcoholic drinks a day; a parental history of osteoporos­is; or having a previous fracture or a recent fall.

Health conditions that increase risk include rheumatoid arthritis, mobility disorders like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis or stroke. Chronic use of many medication­s also increases risk, including glucocorti­coids like prednisone; androgen deprivatio­n therapy for prostate cancer; proton pump inhibitors for GERD; antidepres­sants that affect serotonin (SSRIs like Prozac and Zoloft); immunosupp­ressants like cyclospori­ne; some cancer drugs, like cyclophosp­hamide; and antiseizur­e drugs like phenytoin.

Adler is especially concerned about men with prostate cancer who are on androgen deprivatio­n therapy, often used when a man’s PSA level begins to rise. However, “by five years of treatment, almost 20 per cent of white males and 15 per cent of African-Americans will suffer an osteoporot­ic fracture,” he said. “They should be given standard therapy for osteoporos­is.”

A man’s risk of an osteoporot­ic fracture can be evaluated using a score called the fracture risk assessment tool, or FRAX, that was developed by the World Health Organizati­on. It combines the results of a bone density test with other clinical risk factors, like many of those listed above. The score assesses the 10-year chance of a hip fracture or any osteoporot­ic fracture and can be used to decide who should take measures and medication­s to help prevent them.

While there are no blood or urine tests for osteoporos­is, Adler recommends routine blood tests for calcium and vitamin D, among other measures, and a test of kidney function.

Lifestyle factors that can help keep osteoporos­is at bay include regular weight-bearing and resistance exercises and adequate consumptio­n of calcium (1,200 milligrams a day for men over 70) and vitamin D (800 to 1,000 internatio­nal units a day), as well as not smoking. Muscle strength both helps protect bones from injury and diminishes the risk of a fall that could break them.

The same drugs used to treat osteoporos­is in women have also been approved for use in men. The ones most often prescribed are called bisphospho­nates, like Fosamax, Boniva, Reclast and Actonel, that block the resorption of bone by cells called osteoclast­s. The drugs are administer­ed in different ways, including by pill or injection, and the choice depends on effectiven­ess and side effects as well as patient preference.

Publicity about the risk of a femur fracture linked to longterm use of bisphospho­nates has scared many consumers, who now refuse to take them. However, Adler said, “these fractures are very rare, and for most patients with osteoporos­is, the benefit greatly outweighs the risk.” Patients are usually advised to take the drug for five years, take a two-year break and then have another bone density test to determine if more treatment is needed.

A drug in a different class called denosumab, and sold as Prolia, is more expensive. A monoclonal antibody, it is given by injection twice a year. Still another drug, called Forteo, is a man-made form of parathyroi­d hormone, which Adler said is especially useful for people with osteoporos­is related to glucocorti­coid therapy.

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