Daily Trust Sunday



Mornings with kids can be crazy and tough yet exciting; from hauling them out of bed, getting them dressed, and making sure they have all their school supplies, you’re lucky if you have time for a bowl of cereal. But here are some quick and easy breakfast tips to help start off the day. This the time moms can sneak in vitamins and fruits the child would normally reject. • Scrumptiou­s and comforting this kid-friendly combo of peanut butter and bananas. Make a simple waffle breakfast by adding this creamy duo on a toasted whole grain waffle: Simply spread about 1 tablespoon of peanut butter over the top of the • • waffle, and pile on sliced bananas. For an extra shot of sweetness, drizzle on a teaspoon of pure maple syrup. Voila! Your child will love the fun presentati­on of these individual vegetable muffins, Sprinkle in reduced fat cheese, chopped zucchini, the sautéed vegetables, a dash of kosher salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a standard 12-cup muffin pan wellcoated with oil spray and bake in the oven at 350 degrees. Every kid loves a milkshake, actually a fruit smoothie in disguise is packed with plenty of fiber, vitamins, • • minerals, and a shot of energizing protein. In a blender, combine 3/4 cup milk, half a banana, a cup of frozen mixed berries, and 3 to 5 ice cubes. Blend until smooth and frothy. Pour into a glass and slurp with a fun straw. Oatmeal is a fantastic, fiber-rich breakfast for any age, but kids may complain that it’s too boring or tasteless. So make fun and delectable. The idea of “chocolate for breakfast” gets your kids running to the kitchen! To make, prepare half a cup of oats with 1 cup water or skim milk. Stir in cocoa powder, a little sugar, and a dash of vanilla extract into the prepared oatmeal, and then top with your children’s favorite fruits •

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