Daily Trust Sunday

MAKE-UP ESSENTIALS Items every woman needs in her make-up wardrobe


Needless to say you can’t be a glam without some makeup essentials in your wardrobe. Makeup is every girl’s best friend and we simply cannot do without it. Some of us may feel like we can go without some items because of our budgets and how expensive some brands of makeup can be. But we have to emphasize on how much you need these particular makeup items no matter how big or small your wardrobe may be.

Primer: Unfortunat­ely, not all of us fully understand the importance of a primer yet it is a crucial item that we all simply must have in our makeup wardrobe. It prepares the face for makeup by filling up the pores and fine lines and mattifying the face from oil breakouts. Overall it provides a perfect surface to apply makeup.

Foundation: We cannot do without a good foundation. What else can you use to properly put together you makeup and hide all those unwanted spots?

Eyeliner: Eyeliners lift the face and add a degree of radiance. Have you noticed how much eyeliner can transform how you look on a day that you’re sleep deprived? This is an item that we all cannot do without. Mascara: If you’re going to bat those eyelashes, you can’t do it right if your eyelashes aren’t long and voluminous. Mascara adds so much detail to the eye and ties up eye makeup together.

Eye shadow pallete: Eye shadow draws attention to the eyes.

If you can’t decide on what colours to go for in a pallete, one with nude shades will be your best choice because it will go with about any outfit on any day.

Lipstick: Lipsticks give your makeup that pop of colour it needs and they come in all the colours you can possibly imagine so there is a shade for everyone.

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