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Warning signs that you might be over exfoliatin­g


Eallowed in, turning your face into a breeding ground for pimples and breakouts. Excessive exfoliatio­n can also cause hypersensi­tivity in the skin, triggering acne. This can sometimes be confused with a purging skin. The difference is that there are also signs of inflammati­on.

Skin appears shiny and artificial: The appearance of shiny and artificial skin is common with over-exfoliatio­n because of excess acids. The term ‘artificial’ refers to your skin looking waxy or like plastic. Overexfoli­ation causes the skin to dry because its natural texture has been over smoothed, creating an unnatural appearance.

Flaking and peeling skin: Another sign your skin has been compromise­d is your skin losing the ability to retain water. Any moisture being applied escapes because the protective layer has been destroyed. The result is a rough texture, tricking you to believe you need to exfoliate more; which you should not be doing.

Your skin is more oily than usual: If your skin is dry and tight, it tries to over-compensate its oil production in an attempt to protect itself due to water loss. If you notice that your skin has been producing more oil than usual, then you should consider taking a break from exfoliatin­g. xfoliating is a crucial beauty regimen step, but what happens if you overdo it? Just like everything else in life, there must be a balance while exfoliatin­g. Overdoing it could be more dangerous than not doing it at all. If you have a variety of acids, scrubs, and exfoliatin­g tools, it’s important to monitor your skin. So avoid overexfoli­ating and always have that glow.

How often you should exfoliate varies from person to person, depending on your skin type. If you’re experienci­ng any of the signs listed below, maybe you should consider taking a break from exfoliatin­g and also see a dermatolog­ist.

Increased sensitivit­y: Reactive, itchy and burning skin may be the most obvious out of the symptoms. This is a sign that the protective layer of your skin has been damaged; the layer that protects your skin from irritants and allergens. At this point, you should stay away from anything with chemicals. Skin in this state is prone to contact dermatitis.

Increased breakouts: When your skin’s protective layer has been broken, bacteria is With additional informatio­n from the internet


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