Daily Trust Sunday

Leaping out of paralysis

- Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: www.dayspringc­mi.org e.mail: dayspringc­m2000@yahoo. com Help lines: 0803515051­5,

HActs 3:1-10 ere is an amazing story of a man who was crippled all his life and sat at the gate of the Temple begging for a living until that faithful day when God used the apostles to heal him. He was expecting some coins, but he got a life-changing miracle! He jumped up and started leaping in joy. I can imagine the surprise and the joy in his heart! God gave him a DIVINE SURPRISE! The Lord will give you a sweet surprise this week!!

This man must have envied people who walked past him every day and wished he too could walk. As days and months passed by, he must have given up hope and resorted to begging for survival. But a faithful day came in which he had an encounter that completely changed his life. All those you envied before will soon begin to envy you! You can walk like others, run like others and leap like others. This day is the day of your liberation from that crippling condition in your life!

You may have been looking at people driving their cars past you and you wonder if you can ever own one. Soon, you will be driving like others. You may have looked at people living in their own houses and wonder if that can ever happen to you. As a single you may have looked at those who are married and wonder when yours will be. Perhaps you have longed for children of your own and wonder if it will ever happen. God is about to change your story!

God is about to turn your tragedy into a divine strategy that will bring lots of people into the Kingdom. God will take what was intended to embarrass you to empower you and others.

5 Ways to have a divine surprise attention to those who speak the Word of God into your destiny. Pay attention to the prophet ordained for you. Pay attention to the wise and anointed. If you pay attention to the wise and anointed long enough, you will command the attention of others. You will command respect, success and wealth if you pay attention to the commands of God. Pay attention to the preacher or prophet in the house. Pay attention to Jesus. Pay attention to the word of God. Meditate on it day and night. Pay attention to spiritual principles and people and you will never fail.

3. Expect to receive. Expectatio­n is a powerful force that draws your miracle to you. Expectatio­n positions you to receive. Expect to win. Expect to make it. Expect to be healed. Expect to receive your miracle. Expect to be married to the right person. Expect to succeed.

4. Believe you can make it. All things are possible to him that believes. Blessings are either coming towards you or pass you. It takes faith to make them your own.

5. Take a leap of faith. Faith is the spiritual force that brings your miracle into your life and the proof of faith is obedience. It is the step you take based on your belief that makes things happen. Every miracle is traceable to a step of obedience. Naaman dipped himself seven times in River Jordan; his leprosy disappeare­d. They obeyed the instructio­n to fill the water pots with water and they got wine. The widow made her last meal for the prophet and the source began to multiply. The blind man was asked by Jesus to wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam; his sight was restored. You are one instructio­n away from your breakthrou­gh. You are one instructio­n away from your miracle. God will always prompt you to take a step each time you have a need. What you do with this prompting determines what God will do next.

Consequent­ly, every deprivatio­n, loss or failure is traceable to an act of disobedien­ce. Adam lost the Garden of Eden and all its comfort because he ate of the fruit God told him not to. Saul lost his throne because he failed to completely destroy the Amalekites as instructed by God. Absalom died young because he failed to honour his father David. Obedience is what separates you from tragedy.

Find out what is required to overcome paralysis and start doing them. Do what you couldn’t do before. Try something new. To overcome financial paralysis, start paying your tithe faithfully and sowing seeds for every need. Get rid of unforgiven­ess if that is the root of your problem.

This man’s attention and obedience got him more than he expected. God gave him a divine surprise. Receive a divine surprise right now! This week God will give you more than you bargained for. On July 28 2017, a fully loaded petrol tanker ran into an 18-seater commuter bus and exploded in flames at Felele-Lokoja, claiming the lives of over a dozen persons. Photos and video footages of the charred and mangled bodies of the victims, which went viral on the social media, showed the desperate struggle of human beings to survive, before they finally succumbed to the fire. Yet, it is over a decade since the contract for the dualizatio­n of the Abuja-Lokoja road was awarded: another symbol of the rank corruption that has decimated human lives in Nigeria. But is the government bothered? I am not too sure. Those who should care have access to private jets and fully secured SUVs, with ambulance and security, for their travels. Only ordinary Nigerians suffer.

The reality of Nigeria today is of a people who have been battered and whipped into submission by the harsh socio-economic conditions. Millions are caught between starvation and suicide. These are not the sorts of people you’d expect to protest against the callousnes­s of government. Nigerians have perfected the art of low expectatio­n from their leaders. A situation where ‘anything goes’ is just good enough. By some inexplicab­le reasons, we are incredibly comfortabl­e and excessivel­y patient with shocking levels of mediocrity and incompeten­ce. No one wants to break the tiresome circle of docility and subjugatio­n. We take pride in our resilience. Our ability to forget and quickly bounce back from conditions and circumstan­ces that cripple people in other climes is listed among the top of our natural endowments. Yet this typical Nigerian resilience has become an excuse for stupidity and irresponsi­ble followersh­ip, unwilling to hold leadership to account.

On the occasion of Buhari’s 100 days in London, The Guardian God will do for you today exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think. If you expect the Lord to touch you only in one area, He will touch you in every area of your life. He will meet that need you thought was impossible. Those you envied before will begin to envy you.

This man got up leaping and dancing and praising God. I see you leaping out of poverty. I see you leaping out of that sickness and infirmity in Jesus name. The name of Jesus that worked for this man is working for you right now! In the name of Jesus, rise up from that sickness; rise up from that pit; rise up from that financial mess; rise up from that barrenness; rise up from that marital problem.

Everything that kept you down before, leaves you now, in Jesus name! You are coming out of that spiritual paralysis. You are coming out of that emotional and financial paralysis.

The Lord is set to give you fresh testimonie­s of his favour and generosity. His hand is open to bless you with his abundance. Stop now wherever you are; reach out by faith and collect it in Jesus name! Newspaper listed seven pains of President Buhari’s medical vacation. The most devastatin­g pains are the lack of faith in our country’s health institutio­ns that it has caused and the bad example it has set for other elected public officials, in addition to the tension it is causing in the country. So, should Buhari resign? That should be the reasonable thing for a man of honour, whose famed personal integrity has been used to taunt us beyond acceptable levels of hyperbole. This is the only way the ailing president, who has stayed away from his duty post for a combined period of six months, can spare the nation the negative fallouts of his obstinate hold on to power. For a man whose incapacita­tion was visibly felt in his voice as he franticall­y struggled to speak in Hausa language during a radio broadcast at the last Eid-el celebratio­n, and in his thoroughly emaciated physique in recent photograph­s, nothing else will avail.

But will Buhari resign? A man and his personalit­y cult of followers, who think, live, and behave as if the Nigerian presidency is their birthright, and that Buhari is doing the nation a great privilege by occupying the position, to contemplat­e such a move might never come. Should he even dream about it, emissaries will be sent to him to ask him if “he is out of his mind.” After all, even Jesus was said to be in such a state when he went back home and kept working tirelessly to attend to the crowd of people that swarmed around him, without taking a break to eat (see Mark 3:21). The only difference is that in the present case, Buhari is not working and has stopped the nation from working, but is eating comfortabl­y from the nation’s treasury.

So, where are our prophets?

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