Daily Trust Sunday

Detoxing your body back to health


The term detox has been a popular one with the fitness and healthy lifestyle gang and for a very good reason too. Detoxing involves ridding your body from toxins, purifying and cleansing your inner self to restore a healthy balance to your body according to Dr. Samuel Monday of Nisa Premier Hospital, Abuja.

There are a few easy detox drinks you can make to begin and maintain your detox journey: all of which are relatively simple.

Lemonade cleanse: The ascorbic acid found in lemon assists in the detox process. Some lemon juice, honey, a pinch of pepper and purified water as a drink will give you the detox you need. The green beverage: This consists mainly of leafy greens which are excellent for your digestive track. A combinatio­n of kale leaves, spinach, celery, parsley, carrots, beetroot or other greens will do the trick and get the job done.

Dandelion tea: Dandelions are one of the last things that may come to mind for consumptio­n but they are quite a common brew for tea. The tea is a great source of iron, calcium, Vitamin A and many other nutritiona­l values too. Dandelion tea will aid in the eliminatio­n of toxins through your liver and kidneys.

Fresh cranberry juice: This is easily accessible at supermarke­ts everywhere. However, if you have access to cranberrie­s, feel free to make the fresh juice yourself. It is very rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidan­ts and it does a fantastic job of preventing urinary tract infections and ulcers too.

Fruit smoothies: Fruits are essential to body health as our parents and doctors have sung to us continuous­ly. Making a blend of your favourite fruits with water, yoghurt and for some protein powder for that extra boost will go an awful long way towards achieving a healthier lifestyle.

 ??  ?? With additional informatio­n from the internet
With additional informatio­n from the internet

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