Daily Trust Sunday

The educator must be educated

- By Edwin Madunagu Madunagu, mathematic­ian and journalist, writes from Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

This piece is a memo to the Nigerian Left. In an ideal situation, on account of the importance I attach to the subject, the document would have appeared, first, as an internal memo to an appropriat­e organ of the movement. For the same reason of importance, it would not have stopped at the organ or leadership level. The memo would have passed to the movement as a whole and, thereafter, to the public.

However, because the situation is not ideal – and this is the subject of the memo – I am moving directly to the public. The message in the memo comes at the end of the article. It is a short and direct one. I am therefore utilizing the available space to reflect on a related issue of general interest. The “related issue” supplies the title of the piece. And, “for the avoidance of doubt” and “for completene­ss”, I define the Nigerian Left in this historical epoch as the aggregate of Marxists, socialists and partisans of popular democracy.

Found in one of the “mountains” of papers, drafts and study notes left behind by Karl Marx at his death in 1883 was a rough document carrying a series of his critical observatio­ns on the works of the materialis­t philosophe­r, Ludwig Feuerbach. The discovery was made by Marx’s life-long friend and collaborat­or, Friedrich Engels. The latter considered the note important enough to be edited, titled and published post-humously as an article and later used for a larger publicatio­n. This post-humous article, written by Marx in Brussels in the first half of 1845, and published in 1888 by Engels, has been passed to history and to us as Theses on Feuerbach. In Engels’ view, the “note” which later became Theses on Feuerbach was “the first document in which is deposited the brilliant germ of a new world outlook”, that is, the Marxist theory of history and society. That is for interested students and researcher­s to examine.

It may interest Nigerian Leftists, progressiv­es, patriots and radical democrats to know that I have also discovered important “theses” in the papers left behind by a number of our departed comrades and compatriot­s. I have drawn the attention of some comrades to this developmen­t. What is interestin­g in the latter discoverie­s is that the “theses” have now shed more light on some critical issues that were bitterly debated in the Nigerian Left some decades ago. Some of these issues had led to seemingly irreconcil­able divisions and fights; others had led to frustratio­ns, disillusio­nment, abandonmen­t and premature retirement from struggle.

Back now to Marx’s Theses on Feuerbach. There are eleven of them, or rather, in my view, Engels and latter editors handed over Marx’s theses on Feuerbach to us in eleven segments of unequal lengths. Historical­ly and in broad terms, Marx can be classified, along with Ludwig Feuerbach, as a “materialis­t” philosophe­r in contrast to “idealist” philosophe­rs of whom the most famous and best known in Europe of Marx’s time was Hegel. Marx, a student of philosophy and history, started off as a radical or Left Hegelian.

From here he became a critic of Hegel and came under the influence of Feuerbach, a radical anti-Hegelian. It was in the course of confrontin­g the “inadequaci­es” of Feuerbach that Marx formulated his “theses”. In these theses he called Feuerbach’s materialis­m the “old materialis­m” or “mechanical materialis­m” and his own “the new materialis­m”. The latter was later codified-after Marx’s death-as Marxist theory of history and society.

I consider three of Marx’s eleven theses on Feuerbach-the second, the third and the eleventh-as the most lucid and direct applicatio­ns of dialectics to the study of history and society. The second thesis can be rendered as follows: “The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory. It is a practical question. In practice, a human being must prove the truth, that is, the reality and power of his thinking. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking which is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question”.

The third thesis may be rendered like this: “The doctrine that human beings are products of circumstan­ces and education and that, therefore, changed human beings are products of other circumstan­ces and changed education forgets that the educator himself needs educating. That doctrine as presented by old materialis­m or contemplat­ive materialis­m necessaril­y arrives at dividing society into two partsone of which is superior to the other. That is not so. In reality the changing of circumstan­ces and human activity coincide; and the coincidenc­e can be conceived and rationally understood only as revolution­ary practice.”

The eleventh thesis is the most wellknown and is often quoted by revolution­aries and reactionar­ies alike: “The philosophe­rs have only interprete­d the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it”. To these three theses we may add the following line from Marx’s The Holy Family written just before the Theses: “If a human being is formed by his/her circumstan­ces, then his/ her circumstan­ces must be made human.”

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