Daily Trust Sunday

Perfect guide to holiday etiquette


Holidays are a time to celebrate with your loved ones and friends. It usually involves socialisin­g, meetups and get-togethers and an overall swell time. But it is important not to get carried away with the celebratio­ns. Here’s the perfect guide on how to conduct yourself through the holidays.

Don’t go empty-handed: If you are invited for a party, go with drinks, some snacks, anything edible to show that you have the hosts in mind and appreciate the invitation as well.

Show gratitude for your gifts: it is a season of giving, so if you receive gifts from anyone, no matter what it may be and whether you like it or not, show appreciati­on and gratitude to the bearer of the gift.

Spend time with your company: Don’t keep yourself busy by replying to your million and one season greeting messages. Keep your phone, your laptop and any other gadget aside. You can attend to your social media in your own time.

Keep calm: Yes, the stress and drama can get to you, especially when entertaini­ng guests, but make sure to keep your cool and keep yourself composed. It will all blow over in no time.

Don’t forget yourself: Don’t act inappropri­ately, get carried away, misbehave or do something awkward. Keep yourself composed and remain well behaved. Yes, parties are for you to let off steam and loosen up a bit, but that doesn’t mean you should embarrass yourself in the process.

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