Daily Trust Sunday

Shopping etiquette 101

- Be polite: Don’t eat before paying: Stand in the queue: Don’t be loud: Read the store signs: Control your kids:

While shopping can often be a therapeuti­c experience, people tend to make it the exact opposite - a nightmare because of how they don’t bother to observe basic etiquettes while shopping. Since this season has been a busy one for all shoppers, we have decided to share a few must-know shopping etiquettes.

Whether it is to members of staff, security, your fellow customer, some manners will help everyone enjoy a smoother and more pleasant shopping experience. Being polite is a basic rule for adults and kids alike. Be civilised to everyone you come across. A common thing many customers are guilty of is indulging in the products they intend to buy before paying for them. So, don’t go shopping on a hungry stomach.

At the cashier’s point, it won’t kill you to observe some patience since it is a first-come-firstserve thing. Wait for your turn instead of shoving with your basket or trolley, or taking someone else’s place in the line.

Shouting out or loud laughter is uncalled for. Imagine how rowdy it would be if everyone just decided to be noisy. Be considerat­e of your fellow shoppers. Read all the signs you see while shopping, otherwise you might find yourself being embarrasse­d over something you could have saved yourself from if you had just taken a few seconds to read the signs. If it says no food, for example, then either finish it before entering, or throw it away.

Properly supervise or keep an eye on your kids. Don’t leave them to wander around the store, causing havoc and wrecking the place, or screaming on top of their voices.

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