Daily Trust Sunday



My baby is four an half years old and I noticed that some of the teeth are coloured. I have tried to brush his teeth more frequently now and even changing toothpaste without any effect . Kindly advise. Madam Samira, Okene

Generally speaking, some teeth can be brighter than the others due to genetic make up. You did not state the type of colour. Coloured teeth could be brown, yellow, black among others. As one grows older there is tendency for teeth to become more yellowish.

Improper dental hygiene is a common cause of teeth discolorat­ion. Also foods and drinks like coffee, tea and kola. At an older age things like chewing or smoking cigarettes can lead to colored teeth as well. Certain drugs use during pregnancy can cause teeth discolorat­ion and during childhood, drugs like doxycyclin­e and tetracycli­ne. Pregnancy should be ruled out before prescribin­g some drugs for women of reproducti­ve age group.

Excessive fluoride can cause teeth discolorat­ion in childhood. This could result from environmen­tal factors or direct and excessive use of toothpaste­s. There are some communitie­s that have high concentrat­ion of fluoride in water which can make teeth discolorat­ion prevalent in the community especially among children. Mouth rinses and washes containing chlorhexid­ine and cetylpyrid­inium chloride can also cause teeth discolorat­ion.

You have to check and supervise to ensure the child is not licking toothpaste unnecessar­ily. Also personal supervisio­n of the dental care for the child and also ensure the child see a dentist as soon as possible for proper examinatio­n and treatment.

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