Daily Trust Sunday

All you need to know about Hepatitis B


It is said that health is wealth and prevention is better than cure. Today, we are telling you all you need to know about. As you all know, everyone needs to be healthy and physically fit to go about their daily activities.

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by a virus. Hepatitis B infections can clear up within one to two months without treatment. But when the infection lasts more than six months, it can become chronic and can lead to the inflammati­on of the liver, cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), liver and cancer problem. Hepatitis B can spread through contact with body fluids of an infected person, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids, saliva, needle and sharing of razorblade­s.

Children are more likely to contact hepatitis B through infected mothers.

It is, therefore, very important that all pregnant women be tested at the early stage. It can also be contacted through: Sharing sharp objects: Living in the same house with someone who is infected with hepatitis B and sharing items such as toothbrush­es or razorblade­s can also lead to the spread of this virus.

Multiple blood transfusio­n: Blood screening is very important before any transfusio­n.

According to Dr. Harazumi Bello of National Hospital Abuja, there are two ways in preventing Hepatitis B.

To prevent those that have it from spreading it: Do not share personal items like your toothbrush or razor and use needle safety precaution­s if you use intravenou­s drugs. Also, practice safe sex. If you are in a longterm monogamous relationsh­ip, your partner should be tested. Also, avoid alcohol, control your weight, get some exercise, and eat a healthy diet.

To prevent those that don’t have it from getting it: Do not share personal care items that might have come in contact with blood and also,don’t abuse intravenou­s drugs. Avoid getting any type of tattoo or piercing from an unlicensed practition­er and finally, practice safe sex.

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