Daily Trust Sunday

Outrageous falsehood of Mailafia

Mailafia too, should not be let off the hook because he appeared to recant his statements. He should be charged to court and made to answer for his outrageous conduct


Nothing caused tension, apprehensi­onand near panic in Nigeria last week quite like the allegation­s made by Dr. Obadiah Mailafia in an outrageous interview that he granted to a Lagos-based radio station, Informatio­n FM. Later in the week, after his glib talk had already heated the polity and set the stage for a breakdown of law and order, and after he was grilled by the Department of State Services [DSS] for six hours, Mailafia backtracke­d on his wild allegation­s and admitted, in essence, that it was blatant falsehood.

Mailafia, a renowned economist and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria [CBN], who is a native of Southern Kaduna State, was apparently incensed by the deteriorat­ing security situation in that part of the state in the last couple of weeks. Like all well-meaning citizens, we also joined in condemning what security agencies described as the tit-for-tat killings and banditry in Southern Kaduna State and supported the call for the authoritie­s to take urgent action.

Outrage over the killing of innocent lives does not however justify adding fuel to the fire with wild allegation­s. Mailafia said in his unfortunat­e interview that one of the Northern state governors is the commander of Boko Haram. This wild allegation sought to incite citizens to rebel against any of 19 state governors, to paint the entire region in bad light and to sow confusion and doubt in the ranks of security agents that are fighting hard to contain insecurity in the country.

Mailafia added that bandits were moving weapons around the country in airplanes even during the lockdown period. This outrageous allegation either meant that bandits have an air force and are much better organized than the government­s of Nigeria, or that the latter were complicit in their activities. This is treasonabl­e felony if ever there is one because it was designed to cause disaffecti­on against the Federal Government and its military forces.

Mailafia also added that insurgents and bandits are one and the same thing, that they have already infiltrate­d Southern Nigeria and have a plan to start a second civil war in the country by early 2022. This devilish statement was meant to cause panic, set the South against the North and result in another civil war. He claimed, also, that he has his own security network, had spoken to some allegedly repentant bandit leaders and that they provided him with the informatio­n.

Imagine the surprise and bewilderme­nt of all Nigerians when Mailafia said later in the week that he actually got his “informatio­n” from Fulani traders in a local market where he went to buy acca. That he also didn’t know the radio station he was talking to and did not know that he was being recorded. Such a foolish, outrageous and false thing to say, by a top economist, a man who held one of the top public sector jobs in Nigeria and even represente­d the country in top positions abroad.

Those elements that tried to turn Mailafia into a hero when DSS invited him to explain his charges must have realized by now that they were taken for a ride by a dishonest man. Next time, they should learn not to rush to support outrageous claims in the name of so-called human rights, freedom of speech or “defense” of oppressed minority groups. National Broadcasti­ng Commission [NBC] has already fined the radio station for broadcasti­ng what clearly was hate speech in violation of its code. Mailafia too, should not be let off the hook because he appeared to recant his statements. He should be charged to court and made to answer for his outrageous conduct.

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