Daily Trust Sunday

Health: Natural remedies for mouth odour

- Source: www.healthline.com

Bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth, which is always present. Bits of food get stuck in your teeth when you eat. Bacteria thrive on these scraps of food, producing foul-smelling sulphur compounds in the process.

Poor dental hygiene is the most common cause of foul breath. If you don’t brush and floss regularly, germs in your mouth will continue to proliferat­e, and plaque, a thin film of bacteria, will form on your teeth. Plaque causes a terrible stench and leads to another unpleasant process, tooth decay, if it isn’t brushed away at least twice a day.

Good dental hygiene: The most common reason of foul breath is inadequate oral hygiene. Plaque developmen­t must be avoided if you want to keep your mouth healthy. At least twice a day, brush your teeth for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste (morning and night). Brushing after each meal is recommende­d by some people to prevent tooth decay and foul breath. Floss at least once a day to keep bacteria from forming on food caught between your teeth.

Parsley: For foul breath, parsley is a common traditiona­l treatment. Its deodorisin­g properties are suggested by its fresh fragrance and high chlorophyl­l content. Chew fresh parsley leaves after each meal or purchase a parsley nutritiona­l supplement here to help with foul breath.

Pineapple juice: Pineapple juice is often believed to be the quickest and most effective remedy for foul breath. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this theory, anecdotal evidence suggests that it is effective. After each meal, drink a glass of organic pineapple juice or chew on a pineapple slice for one to two minutes. It’s also crucial to remember to rinse your mouth afterward to remove the sugars from the fruit and fruit juice.

Water According to studies, oral dryness is a common cause of bad breath. Saliva is quite vital in keeping your mouth clean. Bacteria grow without it. Because your mouth naturally dries out while you sleep, morning breath is usually worse. Keep your body moisturise­d to avoid dry mouth. Throughout the day, drink water (not caffeinate­d or sugary drinks) to increase saliva production. Make an effort to drink at least eight


Orange: Oranges are not only a healthy dessert, but they also help to keep teeth clean. Many people suffer from bad breath as a result of insufficie­nt saliva production to wipe away foul-smelling microorgan­isms. Vitamin C has been shown in studies to assist boost saliva production, which can aid in the eliminatio­n of foul breath. Vitamin C is abundant in oranges.

 ?? ?? glasses of water each
glasses of water each

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