Daily Trust Sunday

Mixed vegetable sauce and white rice

- Compiled by Rosemary Etim Bassey

Mixed Vegetable Sauce is a simple vegetable sauce made with fried peppers. You can mix and match your vegetable leaves for this dish. Water leaves, pumpkin leaves (Ugu), kale, and shoko leaves are all good choices. This dish, unlike the popular Efo Riro, does not call for a lot of red oil, so it’s safe to say it’s a healthy way to eat vegetable soup.


Red bell peppers (tatashe), scotch bonnet (atarodo), onions, palm oil, assorted meat, stock fish, panla, smoked catfish, cooked shrimps, smoked prawns, seasoning cubes, ground crayfish, salt. Recipe

Blend and set aside the finely chopped scotch bonnets, bell peppers, and onion.

In a bowl, wash rice until the rice water is completely clean and clear.

In a pot of boiling water, add rice and salt and allow to boil for 15–20 minutes. Once water is dried and rice is at the preferred consistenc­y, put off the fire.

Add the palm oil to a pot and heat on medium heat for 2 minutes, then add the chopped onions and saute until transparen­t.

Add half of the crayfish, two seasoning cubes, and salt to taste. Allow for 12-15 minutes of cooking time, stirring occasional­ly.

The boiling meats, prawns, crayfish, stock fish, and smoked catfish are then added.

Combine all ingredient­s in a mixing bowl and taste, adjusting seasoning as needed. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes. Now add the washed vegetables and mix well. Add the rest of the Crayfish after that.

If required, make any necessary adjustment­s, then continue to cook for another 2 minutes on low heat.

Your meal is ready to be served.

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PHOTO: Internet

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