Daily Trust Sunday

Simple tips to naturally regrow your hair

- Compiled by Rosemary Etim Bassey

Hair loss is on the rise, and while it may not have a direct physical impact on your health, it can have a huge emotional impact. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including heredity, hormone imbalances, scalp fungal infections, stress, autoimmune illnesses, and nutritiona­l deficienci­es, but there are certain things you can do to regrow your hair naturally:

Massages: Massaging the scalp stimulates the scalp and may promote hair thickness when used in conjunctio­n with hair oils and treatments. Stretching during a massage is supposed to promote hair developmen­t and thickness in the dermal papilla cells, which are found at the base of the hair follicle. Hair developmen­t, hair growth, and the shedding and renewal cycle all rely on these cells. Massage has also been shown to promote blood flow and scalp health.

Aloe Vera: Hair loss has been treated with aloe vera for a long time. It also conditions hair while soothing the scalp. It can help to get rid of dandruff and unclog clogged hair follicles. A few times every week, apply pure aloe vera gel to your scalp and hair. You can also use aloe vera-based shampoos and conditione­rs.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil includes lauric acid, a type of fatty acid that penetrates the hair shaft and helps to prevent protein loss. Depending on your hair type, you can apply coconut oil either before or after you wash it. You can use a leave-in treatment overnight or for a few hours before washing your hair if your hair is oily.

Fish oil: Omega fatty acids, which are high in nutrients and proteins, can help boost your hair from the inside out. Hair density and diameter can be improved by taking an omega supplement with antioxidan­ts. It also helps to prevent hair loss. Omega fatty acids aid cell function and can promote immunity, resulting in improved general health.

Ginseng: Ginseng pills stimulate hair follicles, which promotes hair growth. Ginsenosid­es are the active ingredient­s in ginseng that are thought to be responsibl­e for its hairboosti­ng properties.

Onion juice: If you can tolerate the odour of onion juice, you could discover that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Onion juice has been demonstrat­ed to encourage hair developmen­t and effectivel­y treat patchy alopecia areata, an autoimmune illness in which the body assaults hair follicles, resulting in hair loss on various places of the body. Blend a few onions and squeeze off the liquid to drink onion juice. Leave the juice on your scalp and hair for at least 15 minutes. After that, apply shampoo.

Rosemary oil: Rosemary is a popular essential oil for promoting hair developmen­t and reducing hair loss. Rosemary oil has been shown to promote hair developmen­t and can even be used to treat androgenet­ic alopecia. Before rinsing, combine a few drops of rosemary oil with a carrier oil, such as argan or jojoba oil, and massage it into your hair and scalp. This is something you can do a couple times a week. You may also use rosemary oil to add a few drops to your shampoo and conditione­r on a daily basis.

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