Daily Trust Sunday

Natural remedies to soothe heartburns

- Source: www. houstonmet­hodist.org

Heartburn has nothing to do with your heart, despite what the name suggests. Instead, it’s a burning sensation in your chest brought on by a build-up of stomach acid in your oesophagus, the 10-inch tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. Heartburn can occur and continue from a few minutes to several hours.

Here are some easy methods to lessen and even prevent your symptoms if you’re looking to stop acid reflux or get rid of heartburn quickly:

Eat ripe banana: Bananas are a fairly alkaline meal due to their high potassium content. Research suggests that it might aid in preventing stomach acid from irritating your oesophagus. Unripe bananas, on the other hand, are less alkaline, starchheav­y, and may even cause acid reflux in certain people. So make sure you select a ripe banana.

Chew sugar free gum: Gum chewing causes more saliva to be produced. One study found that doing so can help prevent heartburn because saliva can encourage swallowing, which can help keep acid levels down and neutralise stomach acid that has refluxed into your oesophagus.

Avoid late meals, snacking before bed and eating before exercising: A full stomach when lying down might cause acid reflux and aggravate heartburn symptoms. To give your stomach enough time to empty before night, avoid eating three hours before going to sleep. Additional­ly, you might want to wait at least two hours before working out.

Wear loose fitting clothes:

If you frequently experience heartburn, wearing clothes that squeeze your abdomen and tight belts may be to blame.

Quit smoking:

Smoking decreases saliva production and affects the efficiency of the valve that prevents stomach acid from entering the oesophagus, which increases the likelihood of heartburn. Giving up smoking might lessen acid reflux’s frequency and intensity, and in some circumstan­ces, even make it go away.

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