Daily Trust Sunday

Social etiquette for collegues

- Compiled by Rosemary Etim Bassey

Aperson must act in a manner that is acceptable in society. At work, one should take themselves seriously and act reasonably. A person cannot act the same way at work as he does at home. Etiquettec­hallenged individual­s are never taken seriously by their co-workers.

It will be challengin­g for an individual to survive at work if they are alone. To stand out at work, one must be an effective team player. In order to come up with better solutions, he must communicat­e with and share ideas with his co-workers. To produce results more quickly and effectivel­y, employees must cooperate.

Here are a few social etiquette tips that will help foster positive working relationsh­ips between co-workers:

Respect your fellow workers: Misbehavin­g with co-workers ruins the environmen­t and spreads negativity. No matter their ethnicity, caste, nationalit­y, job title, or any other distinctio­n, treat all co-workers equally.

Do not gossip about colleagues to fellow colleagues: Spreading untrue rumours about co-workers is not at all what a profession­al should be doing. It is improper to bring up co-worker relationsh­ips in the workplace because they have nothing to do with work. In the workplace, stay away from fingerpoin­ting.

Invite new employees to join your group: To assist in integratin­g new employees into the company, think about bringing them along when you take breaks or go out to lunch. This can raise morale and cooperatio­n at work.

Be cordial: Be cordial to everyone. Smile and say hello to everyone. Making faces at people is impolite. Become a little more flexible. You can’t always get what you want. Never let anything get to you.

Be polite: Be courteous to your co-workers. Never respond angrily to someone who is shouting at you. Don’t follow the crowd. Saying “sorry” won’t make you smaller.

Offer help whenever you can: In each manner you can, assist your co-workers. Never give them bad advice. If you have a friend at work, you will enjoy your job more.

Respect boundaries: Asking for favours from co-workers should never be done. Never ask someone to pick up your son from school or go food shopping for you. It is not profession­al.

Never interfere in your colleague’s work: Never disrupt a colleague’s job. To open someone else’s mail or read a co-worker’s email is impolite. Respect the privacy of your co-worker. Never snoop around in other people’s cubicles. Before going into your boss’s cabin, knock.

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