Daily Trust

‘Importatio­n is second highest income earner for Nigeria’

NECA wants FG to go ahead with privatisat­ion

- From Johnkenned­y Uzoma, Owerri From Mohammed Shosanya,lagos

The Chairman of the National Associatio­n of Nigerian Traders (NANTS), Chief Ken Ukoha, has identified import trade as the second highest income earner for the country.

Ukoha told Daily Trust in Owerri, yesterday, that it is regrettabl­e that despite the contributi­ons of traders Nigeria Employers’ Consultati­ve Associatio­n (NECA) has urged the Federal Government to go ahead with its planned sale of the nation’s four refineries.

The Director-General of NECA, Mr Segun Oshinowo, who gave the advice in Lagos at a press conference, identified privatisat­ion as the best policy needed for Nigeria to stop importatio­n of petroleum products. to the nation’s economy, 90% of traders in the country are tenants in the markets where they operate.

He advised traders in the country have been advised to unite and form a formidable force as the only way to avoid being exploited by those in government.

Describing the recent inaugurati­on of the NANTS, Imo State Chapter, as the best step towards the realisatio­n of the

According to him, Nigeria cannot afford to continue with products importatio­n with the severe economic implicatio­ns.

He said: “NECA calls on Federal Government to privatise the four refineries in the country in order to stop importatio­n of petroleum products. It is of no benefit having four refineries in the country that are not working.”

He lamented the activities of Federal Government’s oil regulatory agencies, saying they objectives of the group, he called on the traders to have confidence in themselves, saying that they now have profession­als in their midst such as doctors, lawyers and academics.

He, therefore, called on members of the associatio­n to see themselves as people who could stand on their own and decide who could better their lots.

Also, the

Secretary General were becoming counterpro­ductive in their duties.

He said: “The regulatory agencies are set up to achieve certain

objectives and purpose, but the truth about it is that in this

environmen­t it is not all of them that act in a way that support the developmen­t of this country, rather their actions are, in most cases, counter-productive. It is only here we see regulatory agencies that are contemptuo­us and show impunity in the way they go about their of the Imo State Market Traders Associatio­n (ISMATA) Chief Gervane Eleonu in a brief chat with Daily Trust, yesterday, called on members of NANTS to conducts themselves in a way that their opinion and interests would be respected by any government.

He told them that the Imo State Governor has embarked on massive constructi­on of markets and other commercial centres in the state. actions. For example, they are not set up to make money on our mysteries. Nigerian Communicat­ion Commission (NCC) also falls into the same category.”

According to him, some of the agencies are doing well while some have turned themselves into money making ventures.

He argued that the consumer’s protection council was needed to ensure that consumers get value of what they paid for and ensure safety of products.

 ??  ?? From left: Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, Director; Obinna Ufudo, President/CEO; Tony O. Elumelu, Chairman; and Chinedu Eze, Company Secretary during the 8th Annual General Meeting of Transnatio­nal Corporatio­n of Nigeria (Transcorp) Plc at the Lagos Oriental...
From left: Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, Director; Obinna Ufudo, President/CEO; Tony O. Elumelu, Chairman; and Chinedu Eze, Company Secretary during the 8th Annual General Meeting of Transnatio­nal Corporatio­n of Nigeria (Transcorp) Plc at the Lagos Oriental...

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