Daily Trust

Robbers attack Kwali General Hospital’s staff quarters

- By Abubakar Sadiq Isah

A gang of suspected armed robbers last week invaded the Kwali General Hospital’s staff quarters and dispossess­ed occupants of their monies and other valuables.

A witness said the incident happened around 2:12 am when all occupants of the quarters were fast asleep and the robbers, numbering eight and armed with sophistica­ted weapons, attacked occupants inside the quarters.

“The robbers first shot into the air before moving from house to house and forced those inside to lie face down before ransacking their houses,’’ he said.

He said three of the robbers positioned themselves outside, while the remaining one went inside for the operation operation, which he said lasted for nearly an hour, adding that one of the neighbours sneaked out from the back door to alert the police.

“The policemen later came but the robbers succeeded in carting away some valuables from the occupants of the blocks they attacked before they fled,’’ he added.

Our reporter gathered that the incident made some security guards at the hospital to run for cover after hearing repeated gunshot sounds.

When contacted, the Kwali Divisional Police Officer (DPO), M.I Ibrahim, confirmed the incident, saying his division was alerted and his men responded immediatel­y.

He said one of the robbers escaped with bullet wounds, adding that efforts are on to locate the hospital, where the wounded suspect had gone for treatment.

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