Daily Trust

] ] Sanusi II and prospects of radical emirship


Istart my column today with an apology to my teacher and mentor, Professor A. D. Yahaya who taught me that the idea of radicalism and emirship are completely antithetic­al. The Northern Aristocrac­y, he taught us, were incorporat­ed into the British system of Native Administra­tion to oppress the people as has been so well expressed in Northern Elements Progressiv­e Union (NEPU’s) Sawaba Declaratio­n published in Kano in August 1958 parts of which reads as follows:

“That the shocking state of social order as at present existing in Northern Nigeria, which is due to nothing but the family compact rule of the so-called Native Administra­tion; That owing to the unscrupulo­us and vicious system of administra­tion by the family compact rulers, which has been establishe­d and fully supported by the British imperialis­t government, there is today in our society an antagonism of interest, manifestin­g itself as a class struggle, between the members of the vicious circle of Native Administra­tion on the one hand and the ordinary talakawa on the other hand.”

Of course at that time, the Native Administra­tion led by Emirs controlled the police, prisons and the courts and were therefore directly exercising state power. Today, traditiona­l rulers do not exercise state power but do exert substantia­l influence over their domains. The appointmen­t of Mohammadu Sanusi II, formerly known as Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to the throne of Kano presents the prospect of an Emir exercising radical influence on his society. Its an opportunit­y for the emirship to reconcile with its original mission of the Jihad of 1804, which was one for the struggle against injustice and oppression and establishi­ng a political system that will serve the interest of the talakawa.

I believe that Prof A. D. Yahaya will be excited at this possible transforma­tion of the emirship into an instrument of liberation, a struggle he has been engaged with over the past fifty years. His classic book, the “Native Authority System in Northern Nigeria” remains the best published narrative on how the emirship was operated as a system of oppression and why Aminu Kano and his comrades in NEPU had to take over the mantle of promoting the radical agenda of the Jihad from the aristocrac­y.

Sanusi II has lived an intense life of radical intellectu­al engagement, which has evoked strong reactions of support or disagreeme­nt among interlocut­ors. For example, when Sanusi was being proposed as Governor of the Central Bank in 2009, there was a passionate debate on the Internet. One Nebukadine­ze was excited at the idea of a radical occupying the position. Sanusi, he explained is not only qualified to be Central Bank’s Governor, he is a Nigerian in whom every progressiv­e Nigerian must find a partner to uplift our nation from the doldrums. The Sanusi Lamido Sanusi that I knew personally (in the 1980s) was a Marxist--a protégé of the late Bala Usman.

He added that Sanusi’s intellectu­al depth is unquestion­able; his numerous writings bear witness to this assertion. He is a Muslim in whom non-Muslims have a friend. He is not into proselytiz­ing or into fostering Islamic supremacy. He adheres to his religion with open mind. Above all, he never shies away from confrontin­g the hypocrisy of Northern politician­s who use Islam to mislead the downtrodde­n masses of the North.

In his own reaction to Nebukadine­ze’s accolades, Ikenna Anokute argued, “This Taliban (Sanusi) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sharia (at Sudan of all places) is an unlikely candidate to head Nigeria’s Central Bank. Simply put, he’s not qualified. He’ll undo what Dr Soludo took years to build. He will undo the recapitali­zation. He’ll radicalize, if not Islamize, the Central Bank. I fear that his religious belief will cloud his judgement in monetary policies and it is a mistake to ask him to replace a foremost Economist. It will be a BIG shoe to fill. Nigeria is about to face decline in foreign investment­s ...”

The verdict of the jury on Sanusi’s stewardshi­p of the Central Bank is out. Some examples: ”We were fascinated by the CBN Governor, and impressed by the tough, decisive and transparen­t actions that he and his colleagues had taken in Nigeria in a way that many Americans wish had also been done here with the leaders of financial institutio­ns that benefited from tax-payer funded bail-outs.”

Hon. Gregory W. Meeks, Chairman Subcommitt­ee on Internatio­nal Monetary Policy and Trade of the United States Congress

“In the last 18 months that Malam Sanusi has been in office, he has salvaged a

Global/African Central Bank Governor of the Year 2011 by ‘The Banker Magazine’- a publicatio­n of of London

Financial Times “Nigeria’s reformist central banker Lamido Sanusi is not afraid of bold gestures to keep economic growth on track – and remind investors of policy intent. He has Nigerian banking reforms under his belt (and lenders aware of the need to finance productive economic activity).”

Financial November 23, 2011).


(The Lex


Sanusi II has clearly excelled in all that he has set out to do.

The radical agenda that we all hope HH Sanusi II will seek to exercise his influence on is clear. The first is the promotion of education in general and girl child education in particular. Primary school enrolment for most of the core Northern states is less than 30%. It is important that the new leadership in the North actively promotes formal education with the type of vigour and determinat­ion of the late Sardauna of Sokoto in the 1960s. On health, the campaign for eradicatio­n of polio and the prevention of VVF caused by marriage of young girls who are not physically mature is crying out for support from traditiona­l authoritie­s. The rapid pace of desertific­ation is another issue of importance. It should also be pointed out that the new emir has a very cosmopolit­an and urbane background and has a key role to play in promoting good inter-community relations in Kano.

Emir Sanusi II has a track record as an anti-corruption crusader. Emirs cannot be loud radical advocates like some of us in civil society. Nonetheles­s, he has a role to play in the promotion of public probity. The culture of leadership based on massive corruption has led to an increase of the incidence of poverty from 54% to over 70% in Kano over the past twenty years. Responsibl­e leadership in which public resources are used to provide public goods is essential and the advice and counsel of the emir on this issue would definitely promote the public good.

Kano is an important state in Nigeria and God has willed that Sanusi II becomes its emir. He has the intellectu­al skills, princely training, religious knowledge and cosmopolit­anism to lead the state as a father to all, irrespecti­ve of ethnic, religious or political affiliatio­n. I believe he is very much aware that his princely training has taught him that playing politics is not the way to go. Peace building and promoting commerce and industry is the central agenda before him given the present economic depression facing the state. I pray that God gives him the wisdom to be a pillar in promoting a prosperous and peaceful state.

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