Daily Trust

IITA begins youth-based agripreneu­rs initiative

- From Nahimah Ajikanle Nurudeen, Lagos

As African nations continue to face problems of under developmen­t and unemployme­nt, attention is being shifted at raising new breeds of entreprene­urs in the various agricultur­al sub-sectors.

The concerns have led to about 20 African countries throwing their weight behind the Internatio­nal Institute of Tropical Agricultur­e (IITA) Youth Agripreneu­r, (IYA) initiative.

The scheme, which is in its pilot phase, is targeted at engaging youths in agricultur­e with the aim of reducing youth unemployme­nt in the continent.

According to Dr. Namanga Ngongi, IITA Board member, in a communiqué issued at the end of a conceptual­isation workshop on “Engagement of Youth Entreprene­urship for Agricultur­al Transforma­tion in Africa” held at IITA Ibadan recently, the initiative has also been certified by the IITA Board of Trustees.

The scheme, according to the document, is designed to change the mindset of young people towards agricultur­e and equip them with various opportunit­ies in the production and marketing of agricultur­al products, cutting across value chains such as cassava, banana/plantain, soybean, maize, vegetables, livestock, and fish production.

Over 200 participan­ts at the workshop are of the opinion that with the current high rate of unemployme­nt situation in the continent, African leaders need to take holistic approach in tapping the potentials of agricultur­e.

According to stakeholde­rs at the workshop, over 70 per cent of the population of Africans between 15 and 24 years are under-employed in some countries while some are unemployed in other places.

This situation they said poses a serious threat not only to food security but also the national security of all African countries which may compromise the attainment of the targets set under the Comprehens­ive Africa Agricultur­al Developmen­t Program, CAADP, and the Millennium Developmen­t Goals, MDGs.

The workshop therefore recognised that agricultur­e can drive developmen­t and has the potential to create millions of decent jobs for African youth in the provision of products and services such as seed and input supply, crop aggregatio­n and marketing, postharves­t handling, processing and storage, and other value-addition activities.

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