Daily Trust

Malala and the abducted schoolgirl­s


The Pakistan’s girl-child education campaigner, Malala Yousafzai, arrived Nigeria this week to push home the plea to rescue over 200 abducted girls, three months after. Her visit led to a series of event with President Goodluck Jonathan promising to meet with the parents of the abducted girls. However, reports from the presidency said the parents and relatives turned down the meeting with a rescheduli­ng. Malala meeting with the #bringbacko­urgirls group among other events generated much social media reactions with debates over the productivi­ty of her visit.

Braithwait­e Umenta,

a netizen said, “The President should stop wasting money on public relations either local or foreign, all he needs to do is to fight corruption and carry the people along, he does not need them to win election. And for the Chibok girls, I think he is coming too late. Why wait till a kid (Malala) tells him to meet the girls’ families?”

Another respondent, asked, “Of what good is the President’s meeting with the parents? I would prefer seeing my girls than seeing him, and my joy will be that he is doing something to bring them back not coming to see me.”

In his comment, wrote: “I only hope that Malala came to Abuja with a magic wand to record


Fage Abdul

success. Jonathan invited the combined nation’s security in the name of JTF, the Super Powers, the Senegalese powerful prayers to curb Shekau’s trespass and Shekau remained unshaken.”

“One therefore wonders, what can Malala do? Who knows maybe she can succeed where the alchemists of Yore have failed in turning a base metal into a shining gold. Is this a situation of a drowning man?” he remarked.

And President Jonathan in a statement by his spokesman Rueben Abati was quoted “Terror is relatively new here and dealing with it has its challenges; the greatest challenge in rescuing the schoolgirl­s is, the need to rescue them alive.”

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