Daily Trust

I don’t hide my faith- Kwara PDP candidate

- From Abdullatee­f Aliyu, Ilorin From Nuruddeen M. Abdallah, Minn

Kwara State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorsh­ip candidate, Senator Simeon Sule Ajibola, has dismissed insinuatio­ns that he is deceiving people about his faith due to the forthcomin­g election.

Ajibola declared that he is a practising Christian even though he had a Muslim background by virtue of his father being a Muslim and the Chief Imam of his community.

Speaking with newsmen after a special thanksgivi­ng session at St. Barnabas Cathedral Church, Ilorin, Ajibola also promised to give the state real governance and democracy.

It would be recalled that the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) had accused Ajibola of deceiving the people on his true faith by pasting posters where he appeared in turban.

Giving reference to the posters, Ajibola described them as computer manipulati­on, saying the Muslim veil was superimpos­ed on his picture.

Commenting further on the posters being circulated, he said, “it was really unnecessar­y, diversiona­ry and it is meant to discredit me as a person. At the same time too, I cannot discredit those practising the Islamic faith. I believe it is a

ll Progressiv­es Congress (APC) presidenti­al candidate Muhammadu Buhari said he refused to be provoked into discussing President Jonathan’s family, health and religion because he’s preoccupie­d


salvation. Like I told you, it is a religion of salvation, and my only elder brother, we are only two, is Muslim till date.”

He said: “There can never be any deceit in the issue of faith. The issue of religion is between an individual and his God Almighty. And one can choose to practise it the way he so desires. For me, Senator Simeon Ajibola, I am a Christian, there is no doubt about that.

“I may have a Muslim background by virtue of my father being the chief imam of my village as at the time I was born. He named me as Sule and I cannot reject the name my father gave me from birth. Thereafter, I embraced Christiani­ty. I have been practising Christiani­ty and the only medium between me and God Almighty is Jesus Christ, the saviour of us all.

“I believe in him. The most important thing is life after death and I believe I can get to that eternal rest through Jesus Christ. I have not embraced any double faith.”

Bishop of Kwara Anglican Communion of St. Barnabas Cathedral, Ilorin, Rev. Olusegun Adeniyi cautioned aspiring political office holders not to lose eternity because of election saying, “don’t lose eternity because of election and have communion with the devil.”

 ?? Gen. Muhammadu Buhari
Minna ??
Gen. Muhammadu Buhari Minna

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