Daily Trust

JNI, CAN call for peaceful elections

- From Christiana T. Alabi, Kaduna

The Jama’atul Nasril Islam (JNI) and Christian Associatio­n of Nigeria (CAN) have appealed to religious leaders to discourage their followers from violence and strictly abide by the holy books to ensure peaceful conduct of the general elections.

The religious bodies

made the appeal yesterday at a seminar organised for imams and pastors by the Interfaith Forum of Muslim and Christian Women Associatio­n also known as Women Interfaith Council.

The acting chairman of JNI in Kaduna South LGA, Alhaji Ibrahim Abduljelil, urged religious leaders not to relent in preaching peace and encouragin­g peaceful co-existence before, during and after the elections, advising Nigerians to accept the results without violence.

He also urged the religious leaders to continue to preach truth and tolerance to their followers. “There should be no reason for fighting, maiming or killing of one another on religious or political basis. We must always remember that we all came from the same God irrespecti­ve of our religion, tribe or political affiliatio­n,” he said.

The representa­tive of CAN, Pastor Haruna Michael, urged religious leaders not to allow politician­s use churches and mosques to spread hate messages but rather continue to make efforts to unite people of different faiths.

“People should cast their votes for whoever they feel will represent them well at all levels of governance, there should be no compulsion or intimidati­on,” he said.

Co-ordinator of the Women Interfaith Council, Mrs. Comfort Idowu Fearon, noted that imams and pastors were brought together due to their important role of moulding minds through their preaching and teaching.

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