Daily Trust

Bring back WAI, Kwande tells Buhari

- From Lami Sadiq & Hassan Ibrahim, Jos

he All Progressiv­es Congress has successful­ly defeated a sitting government in Nigeria, how do you feel about it?

I feel very proud and I congratula­te Nigerians. They have done well. Their behaviour during balloting was very impressive. We were waiting with apprehensi­on for the day which the world thought would be the end of the world for Nigeria. For the day to come the way it did, we have to congratula­te ourselves. We the electorate and in particular those who conducted the election should be proud of our achievemen­t. The INEC chairman, Attahitu Jega is really a man of the moment. So, Africa has come a long way and the continent has been looking up to Nigeria as leader of the black man. It means we are now making it, and it is something to be proud of. I am also congratula­ting President GoodLuck Jonathan for saving Nigeria from a chaotic situation. I am very happy. Nigeria has suddenly become calm, and Nigeria has suddenly found itself in a position of peace in the mind. Peace is in the mind. Most of us now sleep well, unlike just before the election and while votes were being counted. But we now can see a peaceful future. Buhari who will now be president should know that he is president of Nigeria on the platform of APC but for all Nigerians. I believe in him, except that the atmosphere of governance will be different from when he was the military head of state. When he was the military ruler, they suspended part of the Constituti­on to enable them do what they wanted to do. But now he is on a platform of those who will talk to him, left and right before he takes decision on the affairs of Nigeria. So to me, he is now a different person.

People have described President Jonathan as a hero for accepting defeat while others say he did not have a choice but to do that. What is your own take on this?

It is the way President Jonathan did it that makes Nigerians love him. He could have been quiet and waited to congratula­te the President-elect after the declaratio­n of results. Also, his behaviour when he was delivering the speech showed sincerity and commitment because his body language and expression showed that he didn’t want crisis and this can be related to what he has been saying prior to the election that his ambition is not worth the life of any Nigerian. This question of congratula­ting winners, he has done that in the past with two or three opposition governors so you should put all that together and relate it with what he did and particular­ly his body expression when he was delivering his congratula­tory speech.

What advice do you have for President Goodluck Jonathan for a smooth transition?

From today, as I know, there will be a transition committee, a transition office and any major decision GoodLuck is to take by law, he will have to consult the President-elect so there is no problem. It is a well organised thing. There are certain things that are too minor but any major policy decision now will have to be available for the President-elect to examine and allow it to pass. So I don’t think there is any problem. It is a known procedure and it will be done that way.

Expectatio­ns are high for the president-elect. What priorities do you recommend for Buhari when he gets to office?

My advice for General Buhari as soon as he comes in is to introduce discipline. I want him to bring back the war against indiscipli­ne. We should now start queuing again so that we can look as responsibl­e citizens. He should commence action on addressing corruption and especially address the extraction of money by the police on the highways. They need to change their behaviour. This is the only way they will know that he has come in. This Corruption is not just the question of billions of Naira being stolen but the whole thing is in the society but the one that people will start feeling is the behaviour of the police. There should be change in the people’s behaviour and change in the government circle. We must change as prominent public figures not breaching traffic rules, to be orderly; you can have your sirens but be orderly. These two things I believe will send a powerful message to ordinary Nigerians that the desired change is here.

 ?? Yahaya Kwande ??
Yahaya Kwande

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