Daily Trust

My memory of Buhari as a child – Surviving sister

- From Habibu Umar Aminu, Katsin

ajiya, your only blood brother has just emerged as the next president of the country, how do you feel?

Honestly all I can say is gratitude to Allah, Nigerians who see him as good enough to vote for him. I’m short of words but praises to Almighty for seeing this day.

What can you tell us about his childhood?

Well Buhari since when he was a small boy is calm and doesn’t talk much nor look for trouble, he is close to his relations, he tries his best to link up anywhere he is and he happened to have him lived with me when he was schooling in Katsina, I was married then at that time, he never looks for trouble and people do not come to report him to me, even in his childhood during school he leads his friends, they never queried his attitudes, even now go round Daura town he has no enemy. This is all I know of his attitudes which endeared him to all.

How close is he to the family having been such a public figure?

I’m his only surviving sister and an elder one, he always visits me, even this his coming for election as I was getting set to go see him giving the number of people in town , he sneaked in to meet and greet me in this house, to see how am doing. Anything that I or any distant relation needs he tries his best to provide within his ability,

Among the siblings, how do they see him?

We are 24, all have died remaining me and him in the family, we used to call him Ankali during his childhood, that is the name our parents and relatives call him, I cannot recall why they call him that, I was small then also but I know that is the name we call him, we also called him Leko because he was born after twins.

What about to your parents?

Our parents held him in high esteem. He returned when he was held in prison when our mother died, they really love him and showed us all love care and concern.

Now that he is the incoming president, how do you see his victory?

It’s a blessing to Nigeria because he had at one time held such position even though in another terrain, he is trustworth­y and honest and these attributes he will continue with, we all have suffered , we wish God to see him through and call on all Nigerians to give him 100 percent support.

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