Daily Trust

Drug abuse, major cause of road crashes – FRSC

- From Maryam AhmaduSuka, Kaduna

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has identified drug abuse as one of the major causes of road crashes in Nigeria.

Chief Inspector Atese Ben, at a sensitizat­ion programme for commercial drivers in Kaduna, said drug intake impairs the vision of a driver, thereby causing him/ her to misjudge distance. He said in some instances, it could make a driver sleep off while on the wheels.

“Accidents on our roads can be traced to drug abuse. A drug related crime can also disrupt neighbourh­oods due to violence among the dealers. Other societal effects include cultism in schools, divorce, high rate of school dropouts and destructio­n, joblessnes­s and loss of skilled manpower, terrorism among others,” he said.

The Corps Marshal and Chief Executive, FRSC, Boboye Oyeyemi, on his part, said the corps had introduced speed limit device for vehicles operating in the country and that enforcemen­t of the law would commence on commercial vehicles on September 1, 2015.

Represente­d by the Deputy Corps Marshal in charge of operations, Adei Abu, Oyeyemi called on relevant stakeholde­rs to work with the corps in tackling the accidents on the roads.

“Despite the drastic reductions in road crashes, FRSC is still not satisfied. Rather, we are stepping up the campaign to get to a level where road traffic crashes would not lead to death. It is due to the role speeding plays in road crashes in the country that stakeholde­rs resolved after exhaustive deliberati­ons to introduce speed limiting device for vehicles,” he said.

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