Daily Trust

Fruits complement your dietary roster


It is a known fact that eating fresh fruits provide your body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. But the question is: Why should fruits be a part of our diet?

Fruits are important sources of vitamins and carbohydra­tes like fibre and sugar, low in calories and naturally sweet. Their juices are good sources of water, too.

Different fruits contain different vitamins, so it is important to eat a variety of them. Most fruits are naturally low in calories, sodium and fat – with zero cholestero­l. Fruits provide many essential nutrients that we need more of, including

Potassium –

It combats high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease. May also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.

Dietary fibre –

Helps to reduce the blood cholestero­l levels and may lower risk of heart disease and obesity. It aids proper bowel function.

Vitamin C –

Vital for growth and repair of all body tissues and keeps teeth and gums healthy. It also protects the body against infections and disease.

Folate (folic acid) –

Helps in the formation of red blood cells and helps reduce the risk of birth defects.

A fibre-rich fruit satisfies your hunger with fewer calories, helping you to maintain a healthy body weight. So I bet you wouldn’t hesitate to make the intake of fruits a culture!

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