Daily Trust

I’m not responsibl­e for Parradang’s present predicamen­t – Moro

- By Ismail Mudashir

Former Minister of Interior Abba Moro, yesterday said he was not responsibl­e for the predicamen­t of the former Comptrolle­r-General of the Nigeria Immigratio­n Service (NIS), Mr. David Parradang.

Parradang was removed by President Muhammadu Buhari for illegal recruitmen­t of about 1600 immigratio­n staff. His replacemen­t was named while he was still on suspension.

Both Moro and Parradang were enmeshed in controvers­y at the peak of the NIS recruitmen­t tragedy when many job seekers died.

In a statement issued yesterday, Moro attributed the rot in the NIS to Parradang’s leadership dispositio­n which according to him, encouraged and promoted gross indiscipli­ne.

He expressed shock at recent reports attributin­g the rot in the immigratio­n service to him, saying, “It was purely an attempt to divert the attention of the public from the issue of illegal recruitmen­t carried out under his watch.

“As Minister, I introduced various reforms to curtail corruption in the Nigeria Immigratio­n Service. At various fora, I never lost the opportunit­y to point out the rot in the Immigratio­n Service. When four Public Relations Officers (PROs) of four companies based in Lagos complained of being fleeced via Expatriate quota implementa­tion by the Nigeria Immigratio­n Service, I set up a committee on abuse of expatriate quota administra­tion. Mr. Parradang frustrated the committee. When complaints of certificat­e forgery were raised, I set a committee on Certificat­e forgery. Again, Mr. Parradang frustrated the committee.

“Across the Services in the Ministry of Interior, several serving officers have been found to have corrupted themselves, have been investigat­ed, some dismissed and handed over to the Police for prosecutio­n; some found guilty, some jailed in the Civil Defence, Prison and Fire Services. A very senior officer of the Federal Fire Service who collected money of close to one hundred million naira only (#100,000,000) was investigat­ed, found guilty for extorting money from unsuspecti­ng members of the public for job and was handed over to the Police for prosecutio­n. Yet an officer of the Nigeria Immigratio­n Service under Mr. Parradang’s watch who was found guilty of a similar offence was shielded despite repeated directives for action against him.”

“It is pertinent to ask here; what has promotion/posting got to do with the present issue of illegal recruitmen­t by Mr. Parradang and his Presidenti­al Committee and Mr. Parradang’s insubordin­ate refusal to reverse the illegality as directed by a competent authority? What has Abba Moro got to do with that? In his paranoid desire to always disobey the Minister’s instructio­ns, perhaps, Mr. Parradang thought I was still Minister giving instructio­ns.”

“Did Abba Moro go away with Mr. Parradang’s thinking cap? I am certainly not responsibl­e for Mr. Parradang’s present predicamen­t. I will not certainly allow myself to be a pawn in Mr. Parradang’s cynical strategy to cover up his leadership inertia,” he said.

GORO ?? Members, Kaduna chapter of Council of Imams and Ulama at the opening of their annual conference in Kaduna, yesterday.
PHOTO: SHEHU GORO Members, Kaduna chapter of Council of Imams and Ulama at the opening of their annual conference in Kaduna, yesterday.

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