Daily Trust

...Reps move to save Saraki

- By Ibrahim Kabiru Sule

The Motion on the 55th Independen­ce anniversar­y of Nigeria and subsequent debates by members of the House of Representa­tives yesterday ended up assuming a different colouratio­n when it was eventually passed as a resolution to seek ways of ending senate president’s travails over asset declaratio­n.

More than ten legislator­s had already spoken on why the House must join in the celebratio­n for the anniversar­y, but all the contributi­ons were waived aside when Minority Leader, Rep Leo Ogor (PDP, Delta), who was the last to speak on the matter said while celebratin­g independen­ce, leadership of the House must interface with President Buhari to find ways of resolving “all outstandin­g issues” as they concern the senate president, Bukola Saraki.

The motion’s prayer was passed based on the new amended prayer.

Ogor said the senate president, being the chairman of the National Assembly, ought not to be undergoing such political problems, since the assembly is an independen­t institutio­n out of the three arms of government.

Ogor, after joining his colleagues in celebratin­g the milestone of 55th anniversar­y said the motion’s thrust should rather “mandate the leadership of the House to meet with the President with a view to politicall­y resolve all outstandin­g issues relating to National Assembly in the interest of Nigerians.”

In no time, the new prayer was unanimousl­y adopted by members as the House’s resolution when it was put to vote by the Speaker Yakubu Dogara.

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