Daily Trust

4 killed in head-on collision on Abuja-Lokoja road

- By Abubakar Sadiq Isah

Four persons lost their lives, while nine others sustained various degrees of injuries in a head-on collision that involved two vehicles on Tuesday evening at Aseni village, along Abuja-Lokoja road.

Our reporter learnt that three persons died on the spot, while one person, among the nine injured, later died at about 5:34 pm at Abaji General Hospital, where they were taken to for medical treatment.

A witness said the crash happened around 4:33 pm when a Volkswagen Golf with registrati­on number KKF 928 AA on top speed veered off its lane and collided with an oncoming Passat car with registrati­on number BF 219 DKA, which was coming from the opposite direction.

He said three passengers inside the Golf died instantly and three passengers from the Passat car were injured.

“There were three passengers inside the Golf and they died on the spot, before men of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) from Abaji command came to evacuate the corpses to the hospital,” he said.

When contacted, the Abaji Unit Commander of the FRSC, Assistant Corps Commander Moses Audu, confirmed the accident and attributed it to tyre burst and speeding.

He said 13 people, comprising five males, six females and two children were involved in the crash.

He disclosed that the corpses have been taken to the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital morgue, while injured victims were receiving treatment at Abaji and Kwali General Hospitals.

In another incident, three persons narrowly escaped death on Monday afternoon after a Nissan car with registrati­on number AAG 541 FGE, crashed into a ditch and caught fire near Government Secondary School (GSS) Yangoji.

The Yangoji Unit Commander of the FRSC, Assistant Corps Commander, Jeremiah M. Fada, who confirmed the accident yesterday, said it happened around 3:53 pm when the driver who was on high speed lost control.

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