Daily Trust

Subjecting N/Assembly to TSA may lead to abuse of power - Rep Kurfi

Rep Danlami Kurfi is the member representi­ng Dutsinma/Kurfi federal constituen­cy at the House of Representa­tives and vice chairman, House Committee on Petroleum Downstream. In this interview, he speaks on cars for legislator­s, Treasury Single Account (TSA

- From Habibu Umar Aminu, Katsina

The National Assembly is under fire over its plan to purchase vehicles for members. Are you concerned by the developmen­t?

Since the time this issue came up, people have been airing their views with regards to the vehicles for members of the National Assembly. First and foremost, I want people to understand that the issue is being over blown out of proportion. It is just a ploy by some persons to divert the attention of Nigerians. Some people are out to create an impression in peoples’ minds that those of us at the National Assembly are there for selfish interest, trying to do what suit us, regardless of whether or not such thing is in the best interest of Nigeria. A clear case of this is that virtually all the members of state assemblies across the country have either received N10 million each for cars, or were given brand new ones. Federal ministers have their large convoys, same with permanent secretarie­s and so on, but only the National Assembly members are under the searchligh­t.

This goes to show the insincerit­y and hidden motives of some few who I believe are taking advantage of the situation for selfish interest.

Nigerians are also angry that members of the National Assembly are reluctant to key into the Treasury Single Account (TSA) policy as ordered by the Presidency... (cuts in)

Well, I think there is the need for careful considerat­ion as we run the new TSA system. Government needs to differenti­ate between agencies that are supposed to submit to the TSA and those that are not so that the objective will be achieved. Subjecting an independen­t arm of government like the National Assembly is an act of over stepping boundaries and abuse of power. We are an arm of government which is independen­t, and are supposed to ensure checks and balances so as to avoid abuse of power. So, to impose the TSA policy on the National Assembly is not proper. That is why we said we are not part of it and we won’t submit to it. Additional­ly, there are some agencies that submitting them to TSA will mean subjecting people to untold hardship. Just take a look at the Petroleum Equalisati­on Fund, where for the past five months, independen­t marketers could not access their monies because of the implementa­tion of the TSA. This policy should be limited to revenue generating agencies. I am therefore urging the government to take another look at the implementa­tion of the TSA.

The Presidency has embarked on massive war against corruption. However, many people, especially those in the opposition parties believe this is a grand ploy by your party, the APC to witch-hunt political opponents. Are

you not worried?

People should not forget in a hurry that the PDP had ruled this country for 16 years and mismanaged the nation’s resources. So, if those being prosecuted are mostly PDP members, it should be understood because they had access to government and resources therein. However, there seems to be some few of our APC members. Only recently, Col. Ja’afaru Isa (rtd) was arrested. The war is being prosecuted without prejudice and I know that even if one belongs to the president’s family, not just the APC, if you are found wanting, you will be prosecuted.

The president,



his pedigree, will not spare any corrupt person. So, those tagging the war as onesided are not being fair to themselves and the nation. We must support this war because it is one war that will help reposition the nation for the current generation and those yet unborn. This war is timely and I applaud the foresight of the president for emphasisin­g it and pursuing it with all vigour. This is one war that will help reposition this country. We must ensure that whoever embezzled public fund is not allowed to go scot free.

I will use this opportunit­y to call on relevant agencies prosecutin­g the war to ensure that it is prosecuted in a diligent manner, and all those found wanting should be made to face the full wrath of the law. Let them first of all return all that they stole before any other punishment is meted to them.

You are the vice chairman, House Committee on Downstream. Can you give us an insight on some of the happenings there?

Well, we have to be honest with ourselves and do what is needful and necessary to get out of this predicamen­t once and for all. First and foremost, the NNPC has to be overhauled and restructur­ed. I have been into the petroleum business even before I got elected. This issue of fuel scarcity is as a result of multi-dimensiona­l issues. Several agencies like PPRA, DPR and PEF need to be scrutinise­d and some of them possibly merged. Profession­als must be on board and then strict monitoring. Just take for example: Sometimes back, the present minister of state for petroleum employed some people, about 14 of them into key positions in the NNPC. You see, most of those employed are new and don’t know the nitty gritty of these things because they have little or no knowledge of the nation’s dynamics. And again, the nation’s depots in Jos, Yola, Gombe, Gusau, Minna, Suleija, and Kano have become comatose. One surest quick way out of this is for the president to direct that these depots be put into use immediatel­y. Similarly, fast action is needed on the removal of subsidy. In fact, it will be better for Nigerians because these subsidies are being abused.

 ??  ?? Rep Danlami Kurfi
Rep Danlami Kurfi

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