Daily Trust

Behold, the five best golf courses in Nigeria


Like they say, there are always two sides to a story. The big deal is one must try enough to listen to the other side.

Just get the drift, sometime ago, some members of the IBB Internatio­nal Golf Club, Abuja, moved to a lowly Nairobi, Kenya, for a holiday. On arrival, they met this Winsdor Golf Club that shapes up like the famed Augusta in Georgia. The guys could not believe what they saw on ground. They were used to the archaic thinking that the IBB course was something out of Africa. Well, that’s human nature. The human race is never satisfied. The more they have, the more they want. No wonder, one of those who made the trip to Nairobi referred to the IBB course as a kitchen compared to the Windsor. It was at this point the argument heat a momentum where it became clear we must clarify which are the best five golf courses in Nigeria. Well, here are the best five:

1. Smoking Hills

Somewhere in Ilara Mokin, a sleepy village which is a shout from Akure, Capital City of Ondo State lies this previous gold. It is a sprawling 18 hole golf course that is as huge as the one that is home to world Masters of the game, that is Augusta Internatio­nal situated in Georgia, Atlanta.

The Smoking Hills is a course meant for golfers with true and bold hearts. The Course plays like a dream. It will sap your energy dry because it is perilously long and huge. Even Profession­al golfers find it a huge task to play around. But this is what a real Course is meant to be. That is to challenge your courage to no end.

The greens here are superb and the age - long trees that dot every angle of the course make it a beauty to behold. You could play well here if you have the stamina to withstand a round. Some play great and drop all saved shots from hole 15th. Reason? They are tired. Some even pack up from hole 15 due to fatigue and loss of staying power.

Smoking Hills has well over 100 golf carts and yet more facilities are in sight. Like a landing pad for copters and light planes. There will be a magnificen­t hotel by the side of the course and a huge Clubhouse that could set the one in Augusta back several years.

Smoking Hills gulped a stunning 17 Million dollars. The man who built it is Chief Michael Ade - Ojo, the Mogul behind Elizade, the Company that rolls out about every Toyota Car Nigerians ride.

2. Ibom Course, Uyo

Just like a parlour in heaven. Lush fairway, breath-taking water hazards in about every hole. And greens like you’ll ever see at some courses in the Algarves.

But come to think of it, who will ever believe it? That Nigeria, could own such a golf course that could make any soul sleep in regal solitude. Brace yourself. It’s all there in Uyo, Akwa Ibom. Not just the course but a Meridien five star hotel and a complete helipad are the footstool of this course that could be instantly rated among the very best of courses in the Algarves, Portugal.

Truth is the first time you see the Ibom course, a sudden urge to urinate would group your loins. Who in his best element would dare work out a dream where Akwa Ibom would place on mother earth a course that could shift the ever popular IBB course in Abuja to the back-stage? For God’s sake, it was the former Military Administra­tor Audu Bako who initiated it before ex-Governor of the state, Obong Victor Attah started its developmen­t. Attah doesn’t even really play golf. But what he lacked from not playing, he made up by having exquisite taste. Everything the man touches, like any other architect, comes out smelling roses.

3. IBB, Abuja

It used to be the best in the nation. The layout is cool. It’s like you are in some setting in the moon. All laid out in Greens. The Greens could be funny sometimes. You can’t read them enough. Plenty waters of man-made. The natural atmosphere is exquisite. Walk by any of those waters, and you will be one on one with alligators. They are friendly, though. But could they? If you have a way around liquors, then IBB could be your abode. Prices of liquor are quite moderate and it’s the Sheraton that is handling the bar.

How they do it? Well, you may ask the captain of the club. The truth is that IBB has a lot of potentials. Members are not just pushing enough.

4. Ikoyi Club

No doubt, this could be the busiest club in the world. From sun-up to sun-down, the course is heavily booked. Well, a tight course somehow. It needs space but where will the land come from. I keep saying why can’t they mow down the dilapidate­d Federal Secretaria­t lying by the course so Ikoyi could be expanded for great patronage. The place could develop beyond those out of tune greens. But the members must calm down. I love Ikoyi and you will love it too if you want to live life in a hurry.

5. St Marks, Otukpo

You all know former Senate President, David Mark. He loves golf like you will love Arsenal, Manchester United or any other English football club. When the late Sani Abacha eased him out of the country, the man, David Mark simply went to Ireland. Not to raise chicken like Obasanjo is doing in Ota but to play golf.

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