Daily Trust

Plateau monarch’s killing sparks violence

- From Hir Joseph & Lami Sadiq, Jos

Youths in Bokkos Local Government Area of Plateau State yesterday took to the streets brandishin­g dangerous weapons and setting ablaze three Fulani communitie­s.

Daily Trust gathered that the unrest was a reaction to the assassinat­ion of the Bokkos community paramount ruler, Lazarus Agai, the Saf Ron Kulere.

The first class chief, his son, daughter in-law and aide (a police inspector) were ambushed and killed Monday evening while they were returning from a farm in Sha village.

The aggrieved youths yesterday, suspecting that the fatal attack on the paramount ruler and those with him was carried out by Fulani herders, burnt the three Fulani settlement­s, namely Fokkos, Danan and parts of Kwatas.

The Ardo of Bokkos, Yakubu Dabo Boro, and State Chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Associatio­n of Nigeria (MACBAN), Nuru Muhammad, who spoke to our correspond­ent, blamed the burning of Fulani communitie­s to reports carried by certain media organisati­ons and peace NGOs that accused Fulani herders of the killing.

Muhammad said men of Operation Safe Haven had controlled the destructio­ns in Fulani communitie­s but stressed, “Our homes have been burnt, we have told security agents that anyone found responsibl­e for this atrocity whether Fulani or Challa, should face the law.”

The Plateau State Police Public Relations Officer ASP Tyopev Mathias Terna said investigat­ion into the killing was on but no arrest had been made.

The representa­tive of Justice Developmen­t and Peace Commission ( JDPC) and Islamic Counsellin­g Initiative of Nigeria (ICIN) in the area, Dan Maren, said insinuatio­ns that the paramount ruler was killed as a result of a tussle over his seat was not true.

Governor Simon Bako Lalong yesterday said he was pained by the killing of the traditiona­l ruler and assured citizens that Government would fish out all enemies of peace in the state.

Senator Joshua Dariye who represents Plateau-Central in the National Assembly and who hails from Bokkos, has called for calm, saying, “It is very confusing and emotions are running high and nobody has been able to establish a concrete reason for the killing of this great man. I have been talking to people to calm down. I can imagine the reaction from the people; the paramount ruler had been doing all he could to bring peace to the land.”

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