Daily Trust

SGF is not a Christian: Northern CAN

- By Lauretta Onochie

It seems to be that the Christian Associatio­n of Nigeria (CAN) in this dispensati­on, has arrogated to its Northern chapter, a role of ignominy hitherto, played by others during the Jonathan Administra­tion. It is common knowledge that this organizati­on, with a leadership that sometimes is not in talking terms with God, is set to go on collision course with Nigerians. Nearly all Nigerians support President Buhari’s war on corruption so Nigerians are serious about uprooting corruption in their nation.

First, in the Vanguard online news of April 26th 2016, this Northern CAN said Nigeria will slide into confusion if Jonathan was arrested. Of course, Nigerians who are waiting for all those who looted their treasury to be brought to account, were shocked that an organizati­on that is affiliated to God, could utter such unrighteou­sness. Why would they embark on such an unholy advocacy? Should men and women not reap what they sow?

Isn’t that what the Bible prescribes? If Rtd. Col. Dasuki, Chief Oliseh

Metuh, Alex Badeh Akpoboloke­mi, etc., are facing investigat­ions and being charged to court, why would Nigerians be confused if anyone, no matter how highly placed, suspected to have stolen public funds, is pulled in, if found culpable? It leaves one with a clear pointer as to who is behind the continued misguided utterances of men who speak from the pockets of their sponsors and not through the inspiratio­n of the Holy Spirit. It has further become clear that as the National CAN in the past, looked away from the stealing that went on under a supposedly Christian President, the Northern CAN, is now being used to castigate every action of the government of President Buhari. Their meddlesome­ness is becoming irritating. They want to dictate who get appointed, and who should not be arrested if found culpable. One wonders, what sort of people do we have in this associatio­n?

I know President Buhari is not averse to criticisms, so a body such as CAN has a role to play in being the conscience of not just the Christians it represents, but also other Nigerians of good faith. However, in playing that role CAN should have all its facts so its criticisms can be constructi­ve, sound, fair, just and believable. The role some CAN members are playing now, am afraid, is clearly part of the work of the “National Associatio­n of Corruption Fighting Back.”

The change mantra is being taken seriously by the President. Consequent­ly, he has adhered to the provisions of the constituti­on with regards to federal character. Nowhere in our constituti­on is it stated that religion must be a criterion for appointing people to positions. However, the following Northern Christians, excluding the inherited ones, were appointed by the government of President Buhari: Secretary to the Government of the

Federation, Engineer Babachir David Lawal; Hon. Minister of Agricultur­e and Rural Developmen­t, Chief Audu Ogbe; Hon. Minister of Youths and Sports, Comrade Solomon Dalung; Late Hon. Minister of State, Labour & Productivi­ty, Barrister James Ocholi; Senior Special Assistant to the President on Political Matters, Hon. Gideon Sammani; Special Assistant to the President on Political Matters, Mr. Ayuba Birma; Special Assistant to the President on Social Events, Mr. Ayuba Balami; Personal Assistant to the President on Social Events, Mrs. Faith Pukuma; Senior Special Assistant to the President, Legal and Documentat­ion, Prof. Adamu Usman; Administra­tor of Villa Chapel, Reverend Isaac Ambi; Executive Secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission, Pastor Tor Uja; Managing Director, Nigeria Inland Waterways Authority, Mr. Boss Mustapha.

Not many southern Nigerians can work out the religion or tribes of most northerner­s as many names are common to both Christians and Moslems in the north, the same way many northerner­s assume that Okon Bassey and Pere Tamuno are Igbo men. It therefore, behoves Northern CAN to assume the role of educating southerner­s with facts, with a view to allaying their anxiety occasioned by perceived marginaliz­ation. For every appointmen­t made, there are probably a million others who are qualified too. But only one can be appointed. It’s therefore sad that if an appointee is a Christian who is not known to Northern CAN, his or her Christiani­ty becomes a nullity and of no effect. Could this be the faith of the SGF and other Christian appointees. Could this be of CAN. It’s obvious that the aim of all these misinforma­tion is to divide a region perceived as President Buhari’s stronghold. The role of an associatio­n such as CAN is not that of dividing the north along religious lines. It should be that of uniting the whole country so Nigerians can collective­ly focus on building a strong nation where people experience equal opportunit­ies irrespecti­ve of tribe, religion, etc.

Again, one does not need a religion to do a good job. All religions of the world encourage merit. There are those who may not subscribe to any religion but can do a great job. Should it not be of paramount concern to the Northern CAN that people who can do the job be appointed? Should they not be holding to account those who are failing in their duties? Should they not be solidly standing behind the righteous work of this government infighting the capital sin of corruption?

The CAN in Nigeria in the immediate past became controvers­ial. This led to the Catholic Church in Nigeria withdrawin­g its membership of the associatio­n. The present utterances of the Northern Chapter of CAN show that they have not repented of their sinful past. They need to forsake their past transgress­ions and return to the scriptures. That’s the only way they can find resurrecti­on and maybe, those who left the associatio­n may then return. God save Nigeria from ungodly men! Amen. Lauretta Onochie @laurestar

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