Daily Trust

National Post Bank underway – FG

- By Zakariyya Adaramola

Anew bank, to be known as National Post Bank, that will operate mostly in the rural areas will soon be establishe­d by the federal government.

The bank would cater for numerous unbanked population in the rural areas. The plan to introduce the bank was made known by the Minister of Communicat­ions, Adebayo Shittu, in Bangkok, Thailand, while addressing Nigerians and prospectiv­e foreign investors in the Nigerian Pavilion.

The post bank would use facilities of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) spread across the country, he said.

Shittu said that the federal government would grant tax holiday to would-be investors in Nigeria, pointing out that the country aimed to reduce its current worrisome level of unemployme­nt.

Nigerian Ambassador to the Thailand, AbdulKabir Bala, told the Nigerian audience at the event that president Buhari had ordered the country’s ambassador­s to woo investors to Nigeria, saying: “Our president has given us, the ambassador­s, a marching order to get investors to invest in the two critical sectors of agricultur­e and solid minerals. But I will add telecom sector for myself.

“You should know what it means when a president gives order to an ambassador to get things done for his country. The envoy must do it or else…”

He said that Nigerian officials were working to get the country out of its economic recession, adding that their efforts would soon yield fruits.

He described the Nigerian telecom sector as one of the toasts of investors across the world because of the positive results operators in the sector used to post.

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