Daily Trust

The arrogant Trump

- By Abubakar A Fari

Once more the ugly head of the US-Zionist arrogance is dangling in the world arena. It has always been in place. Only that the intensity varies with wrong personalit­ies especially with the GOP in charge. The so-called republican­s see themselves as tin-gods with nuclear buttons in their control. Little do they understand that the threat of wiping a nation with nukes is an old fashion? If they dare use it again, it is suicide and it will backfire to their cost. Israel will end up the casualty and perhaps New York the den of the Zionist. Hitler taught them a lesson they will never forget. It will be another crazy Christian and not Muslims that Trump beats his chest that will do the unthinkabl­e.

Arrogance does not pay. It will not pay. It has never paid. The Zionists in Germany should better tell Trump to be careful. Although as they say that, “those who the Gods wish to destroy go mad first” is worth keeping in mind. So the manifestat­ion of the madness seen in Trump is a pointer. The so-called “God’s own country” manipulate­d by Israel is headlong towards an irreversib­le decline. What of the statement by Trump that “he is fine with same sex marriage”. A reasonable person with far sight should avoid living in countries whose leaders oppose the Creator Allah/God.

The most arrogant creature is Satan. He was created before Prophet Adam. When Allah commanded Satan to bow to Adam with the angels all did except Satan or Iblis. He disobeyed and declared that he was superior being to Adam and so was not to bow. The second in arrogance is Fir’Auna or Pharaoh who claimed to be God most high and as Hitler and co slaughtere­d the Jews and made them work like slaves with hard labour. The other very arrogant was Qarun or Korah, a rich Jew and a brother of Prophet Musa (Moses), who like Trump believed he had wealth and could do what he liked. So like Pharaoh rejected Moses and was swallowed by the earth together with all his wealth and associates like mind. So today, like the Jews of the Pharanoic era, the Muslims are facing an arrogant 70 years only US President Trump.

It is instructiv­e that Satan is still alive and pursuing evil just as Trump. But he has lived at least for over 30,000 years. The Pharaohs and Korah live nearly 200 years. While Trump and his chiefs in the US-Zionist enclaves drum beating that they hate Muslims will not live 130 years altogether in piece. In the next 30 years, if alive at all, may hardly talk or walk. There will be Muslims in the US in prosperity and more relevant. While these snakes and vipers will have been irrelevant and not even being mensioned at all. So with miserable US 3 billion dollars Trump cannot purchase 1 over 1,000,000 of the assets in New York.

Despite the arrogance of Trump and the Zionists traducers, they will not and can never stop the sun to shine in the Muslim countries. They will never stop rainfall from falling in the Muslim countries. They will think, dream and keep aircraft carriers in all the nooks and the corner of the world. But like Satan, Pharaoh, Korah, Hitler, Nixon, Truman, Reagan, Sharon, Mussolini, Netanyahu, Begin, George Bush Snr/ Jnr, Blair, Shah of Iran, Mubarak and their stooges around the Middle-East, Europe, Africa, Asia and elsewhere, the Trump’s and the terrible Zionists will be pursuing the spiders web. They will waste US billions in futility. Islam and Muslims will prevail and they will end in disgrace.

Nonetheles­s, the Muslims have weapons that they can use to bring the greedy US-Zionists to their knees, if they opt to do so. It may be difficult to see the Arab leaders in the Middle-East come to their senses. Certainly, no condition is permanent. Nine days may be for the thief, yet when the bubble bursts the day for the owner is decreed to happen. Injustice shall not succeed forever. The collapse of empires that stood longer than a disaster that is just less than 300 years old called United States of America (USA) is a matter of when and not if. The simple none violent means to hit the Trump-Zionist arrogance is a total economic boycott of the USZionists and their supporters the EU and especially the UK. Let us start with the greedy arrogant US-Zionists.

Engr. Abubakar A Fari, wrote this piece from Kaduna. He can be reached at mofari@hotmail.com

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