Daily Trust

NULGE rallies for LG autonomy

- From Hassan Ibrahim, Lafia

The Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) yesterday held a national rally to demand local government financial autonomy.

NULGE demanded scrapping of Joint Account Committee (JAAC), stoppage of unconstitu­tional deductions from local government allocation­s, and diversion of same for whatever purpose. NULGE also spoke for considerat­ion of primary school teachers’ salary on the first line charge from the FAAC, among others.

Speaking at the event, the National President of NULGE, Comrade Ibrahim Khaleel, said, “We are here today because of the deplorable situation of local government workers. We are holding this rally to reject the over-encroachme­nt by the powerful 36 state governors.”

Khaleel said the choice of Nasarawa State to start the zonal national rally was to reciprocat­e the dispositio­n and commitment of the state in supporting LG autonomy, expatiatin­g, “We consider Nasarawa state because both the Executive and the House of Assembly supported the quest for local government autonomy during the last attempt by the National Assembly to amend the constituti­on.”

On his part while receiving the union at the Assembly complex, Nasarawa state deputy speaker, Godiya Akwashiki, pledged the assembly position to continue to support the move for LG autonomy.

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