Daily Trust

‘Abuja airport runway to be ready ahead deadline’

- By Chris Agabi & Isiaka Wakili

Over 1,200 meters out of the 3,600 meters Abuja airport runway is ready for use after two weeks into the closure of the Abuja airport for runway repairs.

The pace of work which has progressed into the second tranche of 2,400 meters has impressed airport stakeholde­rs and they have tipped the airport to be ready ahead the six weeks deadline that will hit three weeks Wednesday.

The contractor, Julius Berger had divided the runway into three tranches of 1,200 meters each and each tranche is to be delivered in two weeks to beat the six weeks deadline.

Our correspond­ent who visited the Nnamdi Azikiwe Internatio­nal Airport, Abuja at the weekend reports that the pace of work done is matching the timelines contractor.

A representa­tive of one of the foreign airlines who had refused to fly to Kaduna told our correspond­ent in confidence the quality of work done at the runway was “credible” and the pace of work “incredible.”

“I have been inspecting the runway on behalf of my airline since the work started. I must say the quality of work is credible and the pace of work incredible. From the pace of work done, we should even have the runway ready ahead the deadline” he said.

“The first 1,200 meters is complete as at the time I visited the runway. The little thing that was left some little work at the sides of the runway” he said.

“I’m sure by the next week (this week), the work would have gone past halfway. If the pace continues this way, earlier given by the they will get to finish before the six weeks” he noted.

Meanwhile, the Presidency has disclosed that the upgrade work on the runway of the Abuja Airport will continue for another 18 weeks after it is re-opened.

A highly placed presidency official disclosed this in a statement made available to State House correspond­ents yesterday.

The official, who pleaded anonymity, said the second phase of the upgrade work would be done at night to avoid disruption of flight schedules.

The Abuja Airport, shut down on March 8, 2017, is expected to be reopened on April 19.

“After the Abuja Airport reopens for operations on April 19, upgrade works on the runway will continue for another 18 weeks. This second phase of upgrade works on the runway will be carried out at night, with no disruption to flight schedules,” the official said.

He said the latest report submitted to the Presidency by a federal government’s committee overseeing the repairs showed that over 43,000 passengers passed through the Kaduna Airport in its first 11 days of operations as the alternativ­e to the Abuja Airport.

He said that was more than the 41,000 passengers the Kaduna Airport recorded in the entire first quarter of 2015, and the 21,000 in the first quarter of 2016.

The official also stated that within this period, about 10,000 passengers took advantage of the free bus shuttle organised by the Federal Government to transport passengers between the Abuja and Kaduna Airports.

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