Daily Trust

Police in C/Rivers arrest suspect in food poisoning case


The Police Command in Cross River State has confirmed the arrest of a 35-year-old man, Paul Nchui, for allegedly poisoning food at a restaurant in Ogoja.

ASP Irene Ugbo, the State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), confirmed the arrest in a telephone interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday in Calabar.

NAN recalled that the incident occurred on March 24 at Oboso community in Ogoja Local Government Area and left two persons dead while 44 others were hospitalis­ed at the Ogoja General Hospital.

The restaurant owner, Mrs Anna Erah and her husband, Mr Edward Erah, died shortly after eating the food.

“I wish to inform you that one Mr Paul Nchui, a suspect who poisoned a restaurant in Oboso community in Ogoja has been arrested. The suspect is in our custody, we will charge him to court as soon as we conclude our investigat­ion,’’ Ugbo said.

The PPRO told NAN that the suspect had confessed to the crime.

Dr Inyang Asibong, the State Commission­er for Health, also told NAN that symptoms displayed by the victims included vomiting, foaming in the mouth, body weakness and spitting of blood.

Mr John Inaku, Director General, Cross River State Emergency Management Agency, also assured the victims of the State Government’s support. (NAN)

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