Daily Trust

Hassan Danbaba petitions CJN over arrest warrant

- By Clement A. Oloyede

Magajin Garin Sokoto, Alhaji Hassan Danbaba has petitioned the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) Walter Onnoghen over alleged perversion of justice by Justice Umar Sifawa of the Sokoto Sharia court.

The petition dated March 24, 2017; Danbaba said Justice Sifawa had made a mockery of the entire Shariah court system in Sokoto state in a matter between him and the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) national vice chairman (northwest), Alhaji Inuwa Abdulkadir.

The petition was sequel to Sifawa’s issuance of a bench warrant for the arrest of Danbaba while ruling on a motion filed by Abdulkadir who sued Danbaba for alleged defamation of character.

Danbaba, had filed a notice of appeal on the ground that the court had erred by issuing a summon on March 13 and March 22, giving him only two days to appear before it for his defence.

Danbaba had also filed a motion on notice praying for the stay of the court’s proceeding­s, pending the determinat­ion of his appeal at the State High Court asserted that the Sharia court breached his right to fair hearing and fair trial.

Danbaba in petition filed on the his behalf by his counsel, Mr Yusuf Dankofa and also addressed to the Grand Khadi Sokoto state asserted that he was wrongfully served a criminal summons through a proxy to appear at the Sokoto Upper Area Sharia court to answer to some allegation­s levelled against him by Abdulkadir.

“Sir without fair hearing, the court sat and out of manifest bias issued a bench warrant against our client when the judge knew that there were pending applicatio­ns challengin­g his jurisdicti­on and that a date had already been given by the court for all parties to appear,” he said.

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