Daily Trust

Kwara poly tasks students on 2018 NIPOGA preparatio­n

- From Romoke W. Ahmad, Ilorin

The Rector of Kwara State Polytechni­c, Alhaji Mas’ud Elelu, yesterday advised students of the institutio­n who won medals at the justconclu­ded 2017 Nigerian Polytechni­c Games (NIPOGA) to prepare hard to win medals when the polytechni­c hosts the 2018 NIPOGA games.

He also appealed to them to continue to project the good image of the polytechni­c, just like notable Nigerians such as Samson Siasia, John Fashanu, Jide Fashinkun, Mary Onyali, among others who have projected the positive image of the country.

Elelu, who gave the advice when he received the polytechni­c’s contingent to the 2017 NIPOGA games held at the Nasarawa State Polytechni­c.

The rector, who promised to show more appreciati­on to those who won medals by rewarding them accordingl­y, urged the students to replicate similar performanc­e in their academics.

Kwara State Polytechni­c won 8 medals at the Nasarawa 2017 Nigerian Polytechni­c Games (NIPOGA).

The medalists in taekwondo are Abdullah Fateemah 55 kilograms female category (Gold), Olaitan Mariam 45 kilograms female category (Silver) and Abdullah Fateemah, female poomsea (bronze), Abdullah Fateemah had earlier prepared for lower grade, only to go for higher grade and win gold.

Other medals won by teams at the event are Abdullah Fateemah, Olaitan Mariam and Adedoja Ganiyat, (female team poomsea (bronze).

In Lawn Tennis, Are Oluwabunmi and Adunoye Rachael won gold in women’s doubles, while Are Oluwabunmi won sliver in women’s single.

In badminton, Sanni Habeeb Olatunji, Abubakar Lekan Abdullah and Habeeb Hassan Olaoluwa won sliver in men’s team, while Sanni Habeeb Olatunji won bronze on men’s single.

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